
SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange Glossary

SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange Glossary



SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange Glossary

Accounting conventions

Definition            Practical procedures, standards and other aspects used when compiling data from diverse sources under a common methodological framework.
Context               This metadata element refers to descriptions of the types of prices used to value flows and stocks, or other units of measurements used for recording the phenomena being observed; the time of recording of the flows and stocks or the time of recording of other phenomena that are measured, including the reference period employed; and the grossing/netting procedures that are used.
Accounting conventions may refer to whether the data are recorded on a cash/accrual or mixed accounting basis, the time of their recording and the reference period (fiscal or calendar year) employed. The description could also include how consistent the practices used are with internationally accepted standards - such as the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM) or the System of National Accounts (SNA) - or good practices.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ACC_CONV
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Closeness of computations or estimates to the unknown exact or true values that the statistics were intended to measure.
Context               The accuracy of statistical information is the degree to which the information correctly describes the phenomena it was designed to measure. It is usually characterised in terms of error in statistical estimates and is often decomposed into bias (systematic error) and variance (random error) components. Accuracy can be expressed as either measures of accuracy (numerical results of the methods for assessing the accuracy of data) or qualitative assessment indicators. It may also be described in terms of the major sources of error that potentially cause inaccuracy (e.g. accuracy is associated with the "reliability" of the data, which is defined as the closeness of the initial estimated value to the subsequent estimated value).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ACCURACY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Accuracy - overall
Non-sampling error
Sampling error
Source                 The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Yadolah Dodge (ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)
                             Statistics Canada Quality Guidelines, "Defining Quality" (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-539-x/4147797-eng.htm)

Accuracy - overall

Definition            Assessment of accuracy, linked to a certain Data Set or domain, which is summarising the various components into one single measure.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the main sources of random and systematic error in the statistical outputs, and provide a summary assessment of all errors with special focus on the impact on key estimates. The bias assessment can be in quantitative or qualitative terms, or both. It should reflect the producer's best current understanding (sign and order of magnitude) including actions taken to reduce bias. Revision aspects should also be included here if considered relevant.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Accuracy
Non-sampling error
Sampling error
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Action type

Definition            Behaviour to be undertaken by a system processing the information contained in a SDMX message.
Context               The "Action type" specifies, for a data or a structure message, the action to be performed, e.g. append new data, replace or delete the data, as specified in the technical specifications.
Concept ID         ACTION_TYPE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Set of procedures employed to modify statistical data to enable it to conform to national or international standards or to address data quality differences when compiling specific Data Sets.
Context               Adjustments may be associated with changes in definitions, exchange rates, prices, seasons and other factors. Adjustments are in particular applied to compile consistent time series, but the concept is also used for describing adjustments related to other types of data.
Adjustment can be distinguished from editing and imputation, in that before adjustment, the data are already of sufficient quality to be considered usable.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ADJUSTMENT
Recommended representation   String, Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ADJUSTMENT
Related terms     Price adjustment
Seasonal adjustment
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       European Union, Commission Recommendation of 23 June 2009 on reference metadata for the European Statistical System (2009/498/EC), Official Journal of the European Union No L 168, 30.6.2009, p. 50 - 55 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2009.168.01.0050.01.ENG)
SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)


Definition            Length of time that an entity has lived or existed.
Context               Age can be expressed as a number, e.g. 25 years old, or as a range, e.g. "between 25 and 29 years" or "6 to 11 months".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         AGE
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_AGE
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_AGE (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Agency Scheme

Definition            Maintained collection of maintenance agencies.
Context               In SDMX the Agency Scheme contains a non-hierarchic list of maintenance agencies. Each maintenance agency can have a single Agency Scheme, and may have none. The agencies in the Agency Scheme are deemed to be sub agencies of the maintenance agency of the scheme in which they reside. The top-level Agency Scheme is the scheme for which SDMX is the maintenance agency (SDMX Agency Scheme), and every Agency in every Agency Scheme must be related directly or indirectly via intervening Agency Schemes, to an Agency registered in the SDMX Agency Scheme. In this way each Agency can be identified uniquely by the combination of Agencies in the path from the SDMX Agency Scheme to the Agency Scheme in which it resides, plus its own identity in that scheme.
Concept ID         AGENCY_SCH
Related terms     Data Consumer Scheme
Data Provider Scheme
Item Scheme
                             Maintenance agency
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Annotable Artefact

Definition            Construct capable of defining Annotations.
Context               The Annotation in SDMX is way of extending the functionality of SDMX structural metadata.
Concept ID         ANNOTABLE_ART
Related terms     Annotation
Identifiable Artefact
Maintainable Artefact
Nameable Artefact
Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Construct that contains user or organisation-specific metadata.
Context               The Annotation construct in SDMX is available to most of the SDMX structural metadata artefacts. This facility is essentially a flexible extension mechanism allowing metadata to be added to SDMX structural metadata or to a Data Set. Note that whilst the SDMX Annotation has a specific structure (Title, Type, URL, Text) individual organisations are free to use these in any way and any combination they wish. An Annotation can only be processed in a meaningful way (i.e. other than viewing it) by systems that understand the semantic of the Annotation.
Concept ID         ANNOTATION
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
                             Standard Annotation
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Abstract concept denoting an element in the SDMX model having specific characteristics which are inherited by other elements.
Context               Artefacts provide features which are reusable by derived elements to support general functionality such as identity, versioning etc.
Examples of SDMX artefacts are "Identifiable Artefacts" and "Maintainable Artefacts".
Concept ID         ARTEFACT
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
Identifiable Artefact
Maintainable Artefact
Nameable Artefact
Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Attachment level

Definition            Property of an attribute defining the object to which data or metadata are linked.
Context               For each attribute specified in a data structure, there is a definition of whether this attribute takes a:
- value for each observation in the Data Set;
- value for each time series in the Data Set;
- value for each group in the Data Set;
- single value for the entire Data Set.
Some metadata concepts (e.g. frequency) may not be meaningful at the observation level, but only when applied to a higher level (e.g. to a time series of observations). Time, on the other hand, is meaningful at observation level, because every observation is associated with a specific point or period in time. Data Structure Definitions and Metadata Structure Definitions provide information about the level at which a particular concept descriptor is relevant: at observation level, time series level, group level, dataset level or even Agency level. This is known as the "attachment level" of the concept.
This is a version 2.0 construct. In version 2.1 this is known as the "Attribute Relationship".
Concept ID         ATTACHMENT_LEV
Related terms     Attribute
                             Attribute Relationship
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Statistical concept providing qualitative information about a specific statistical object.
Context               The specific statistical object in a Data Set can be a Data Set, Observation, Series Key or partial key, and in a Metadata Set can be any object in the SDMX Information Model. Concepts such as units, magnitude, currency of denomination, titles (these are all commonly specified as attributes in a data structure) and methodological comments, quality statements (commonly specified as attributes in a metadata structure) can be used as attributes in the context of an agreed data exchange.
The Attribute Value is the reported value in a Data Set or a Metadata Set such as a specific currency or a specific dissemination policy applicable to the object to which the Attribute Value is attached.
Concept ID         ATTRIBUTE
Related terms     Attachment level
Attribute Relationship
Data Structure Definition, DSD
Metadata Structure Definition, MSD
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Attribute Relationship

Definition            Specification of the type of artefact to which a data attribute can be attached in a Data Set.
Context               A part of the specification of Attribute in a Data Structure Definition denotes to which part of the data the Attribute can relate in a Data Set. This can be the entire Data Set, specific grouping of the Dimensions, or an Observation.
                             This is a version 2.1 construct. In version 2.0 this was known as the "attachment level".
Concept ID         ATTRIBUTE_REL
Recommended representation
Related terms     Attachment level
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Base period

Definition            Period of time used as the base of an index number, or to which a constant series refers.
Context               The base period refers to the period when the published index is 100, or to which weights or base data refer to. It can be one single year (e.g. 1995=100) but it may be as short as one day or as long as a specified number of years. "Base period" may include an indication of the value of the series in the base period (usually 1 or 100).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         BASE_PER
Recommended representation   Observational Time Period; Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_BASE_PER
Related terms     Base weight
Reference period
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Base weight

Definition            Weight of a weighting system for an index number computed according to the information relating to the base period instead, for example, of the current period.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         BASE_WEIGHT
Recommended representation   Codelist; Decimal; String
Codelist ID         CL_BASE_WEIGHT
Related terms     Base period
Source                 The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Yadolah Dodge (ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003

Bilateral exchange

Definition            Exchange of data and/or metadata between a sending organisation and a receiving organisation where all aspects of the exchange process are agreed between counterparties, including the mechanism for exchange of data and metadata, the formats, the frequency or schedule, and the mode used for communications regarding the exchange.
Context               Apart from bilateral exchange, the SDMX initiative identifies two other basic forms of exchange of statistics and metadata between organisations, i.e. multilateral exchange and data-sharing.
Concept ID         BILAT_EXCHGE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data exchange
Data sharing
Multilateral exchange
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Break reason

Definition            Attribute that describes the reason for a break in a time series.
Context               Time series breaks can be explained by changes to classifications, methodology, survey scope, data sources, etc.
Concept ID         BREAK_REASON
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_BREAK_REASON
Related terms     Series
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)


Definition            Structural metadata concept that links an identifiable object to a Category.
Context               A Categorisation consists of a source property and a target property which define a relationship. The source describes the identifiable object (e.g. a Dataflow), and the target describes the Category.
Related terms     Category Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"


Definition            Structural metadata concept that classifies structural metadata objects.
Context               The Category can link to any identifiable object and can help discovery of structural metadata. In a data dissemination or data collection system the Category will probably link to a Dataflow or Metadataflow to support data or metadata discovery or data or metadata collection management.
The Category can link to multiple identifiable objects and any identifiable object can link to multiple Categories, possibly in different Category Schemes.
The link between a single Category and a single identifiable object is contained in a Categorisation.
Concept ID         CATEGORY
Related terms     Categorisation
                             Category Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Category Scheme

Definition            Descriptive information for a subdivision of categories into groups based on characteristics, which the objects have in common.
Context               The Category Scheme comprises a hierarchy of Categories which may include any type of useful classification for the organisation of data and metadata.
Concept ID         CATEGORY_SCH
Related terms     Category
Item Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Civil status

Definition            Legal, conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country.
Context               The civil status is often referred to as marital status and represented through codes of the respective Codelist.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CIVIL_STATUS
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_CIVIL_STATUS
Source                 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE), Eurostat, "Recommendations for the 2000 censuses of population and housing in the ECE region", New York and Geneva, 1998 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/2000_censuses_ECE_region_EN.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CIVIL_STATUS (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Classification: See "Statistical classification"

Classification system

Definition            Metadata element used to a) list the classification(s) being used for a given Data Set or set of Data Sets, and b) describe how these conform to internationally agreed standards, guidelines, or good practices.
Context               When relevant, deviations from statistical standards, guidelines, or good practices, should be documented.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CLASS_SYSTEM
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Statistical classification
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)


Definition            Language-independent set of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a Concept whose meaning is described in a natural language.
Context               The Code in SDMX contains the Id (the code), and a name and description either or both of which can be multi-lingual.
Concept ID         CODE
Related terms     Coding Format
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Predefined set of terms from which some statistical coded Concepts take their values.
Context               The SDMX technical standards are sufficiently generic to allow institutions to adopt and implement any specific representation. However, the use of common Codelists will facilitate users to work even more efficiently as it eases the maintenance of, and reduces the need for, mapping systems and interfaces delivering data and metadata to users. Therefore, a choice over Codelists has a great impact on the efficiency of data sharing.
From version 2.1 of the standard it is possible to exchange and disseminate a partial Codelist which is extracted from the full Codelist and which supports the dimension values valid for a particular Data Structure Definition (DSD). The content of the partial Codelist is specified on a Constraint and can be specified for any object to which a Constraint may be attached. This makes it possible to use common (and often quite large) Codelists in multiple DSDs and then to limit their content for use in a specific DSD.
Concept ID         CODELIST
Related terms     Coding Format
Item Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines for the Creation and Management of SDMX Codelists", Version 3.0, 19 January 2018 (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)
                             List of available SDMX cross-domain codelists (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Coding Format

Definition            Specification of the Representation for the Codes in a Codelist.
Context               The specification of the format information for the Codes, such as whether the Codes are alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric, and the code length.
Concept ID         CODING_FORMAT
Related terms     Code
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Adequacy of statistics to be reliably combined in different ways and for various uses.
Context               When originating from different sources, and in particular from statistical surveys using different methodology, statistics are often not completely identical, but show differences in results due to different collection methodology concepts, classifications and methodological standards. There are several areas where the assessment of coherence is regularly conducted: between provisional and final statistics, between annual and short-term statistics, between statistics from the same socio-economic domain, and between survey statistics and national accounts.
The concept of coherence is closely related to the concept of comparability between statistical domains. Both coherence and comparability refer to a Data Set with respect to another. The difference between the two is that comparability refers to comparisons between statistics based on usually unrelated statistical populations and coherence refers to comparisons between statistics for the same or largely similar populations.
In the Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the term "consistency" is used for indicating "logical and numerical coherence". In that framework, "internal consistency" and "intersectoral and cross-domain consistency" can be mapped to "internal coherence" and "cross-domain coherence" respectively.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COHERENCE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coherence - cross-domain
Coherence - internal
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)


Coherence - cross domain

Definition            Extent to which statistics are reconcilable with those obtained through other Data Sources or statistical domains.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the differences in the statistical results calculated on the basis of different statistical domains, or surveys based on different methodologies (e.g. between annual and short-term statistics or between social statistics and national accounts).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COHER_X_DOM
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coherence
Coherence - internal
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Coherence - internal

Definition            Extent to which statistics are consistent within a given Data Set.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the differences in the statistical results calculated for the same statistical domain, based on stable or changing methodology (e.g. between provisional and final statistics or between different reference years showing break in series). Frequently, a group of statistics of a different type (in monetary value, in volume or constant price, price indicators, etc.) measures the same phenomenon using different methodologies. For instance, statistics on employment, depending on whether they result from employers' declarations or household surveys do not lead exactly to the same results. However, there are often differences in the concepts used (e.g. de jure or de facto population), in the registration date, in the cif/fob registration for external trade, etc. It is very important to check that these representations do not diverge too much in order to anticipate users' questions and for preparing corrective actions.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COHER_INTERNAL
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coherence
Coherence - cross-domain
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)


Definition            Descriptive text which can be attached to data or metadata.
Context               In data messages, a comment may be defined as an Attribute and can contain a descriptive text which can be attached to any construct specified in the Attribute Relationship.
In Metadata Sets a comment can be attached to any object in the SDMX Information Model that can be identified (known as an "Identifiable Artefact" in the model). For example Agency, Provision Agreement, Dataflow, Code, Concept.
In both of these types of messages the relevant Concept (e.g. COMMENT) must be declared in the structure definition (Data Structure Definition or Metadata Structure Definition) together with the object to which it is allowed to be attached in the Data Set or Metadata Set. Note that in a data structure (version 2.1 onwards) it is possible to define the "Attribute Relationship" of any Concept used as an Attribute to more than one of Data Set, group, series, observation. This is not possible using version 2.0. In version 2.0 it is necessary to declare multiple Concepts (e.g. COMMENT_TS, COMMENT_OBS) to achieve this.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMMENT
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Extent to which differences between statistics can be attributed to differences between the true values of the statistical characteristics.
Context               Comparability aims at measuring the impact of differences in applied statistical concepts and definitions on the comparison of statistics between geographical areas, non-geographical dimensions, or over time. Comparability of statistics, i.e. their usefulness in drawing comparisons and contrast among different populations, is a complex concept, difficult to assess in precise or absolute terms. In general terms, it means that statistics for different populations can be legitimately aggregated, compared and interpreted in relation to each other or against some common standard. Metadata must convey such information that will help any interested party in evaluating comparability of the data, which is the result of a multitude of factors.
In some quality assurance frameworks, e.g. the European Statistics Code of Practice, comparability is strictly associated with the coherence of statistics.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMPARABILITY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coherence
                             Comparability - geographical
Comparability - over time
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Comparability - geographical

Definition            Extent to which statistics are comparable between geographical areas.
Context               Geographical comparability refers to the degree of comparability between similar survey results measuring the same phenomenon across geographical areas or regions. The surveys are in general conducted by different statistical agencies, referring to populations in different geographical areas, sometimes based on a harmonised methodology.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMPAR_GEO
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Comparability
Comparability - over time
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Comparability - over time

Definition            Extent to which statistics are comparable or reconcilable over time.
Context               Comparability over time refers to the degree of comparability between the results of two or several surveys related to the same domain, carried out by the same statistical agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMPAR_TIME
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Comparability
Comparability - geographical
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Compiling agency

Definition            Organisation collecting and/or elaborating the data being reported.
Context               The concept is needed as two agencies might be compiling the exact same data but using different sources or concepts (the latter would be partially captured by the Dimensions). The provider ID may not be sufficient, as one provider could disseminate the data compiled by different compiling agencies.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMPILING_ORG
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ORGANISATION (used in order to use an agency-based Codelist that is also shared by other concepts; however, a different ID and separate Codelist may be suitable if the use case of this concept is different to that of an agency-based Codelist).
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)


Definition            Structural artefact used to define the structure of a Data or Metadata Set.
Context               In the SDMX Information Model it is an abstract super class whose sub classes are the content of a Data Structure Definition or Metadata Structure Definition such as a Dimension or Attribute.
A "Component List" is an abstract super class whose sub classes are the lists of Dimensions, Attributes, and Measures defined in a content of a Data Structure Definition key family or Metadata Structure Definition.
The Component specification includes its Representation which can be enumerated or non-enumerated. An enumerated Representation of a Component links to a Codelist and a non-enumerated Representation is specified in terms of Facets which define characteristics such as "string", "integer", "Observational Time Period" etc.
Concept ID         COMPONENT
Related terms     Facet
Metadata Structure Definition, MSD
                             SDMX Information Model, SDMX-IM
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Unit of thought created by a unique combination of characteristics.
Context               At an abstract level, a Concept is defined in the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) as a "unit of thought differentiated by characteristics". Concepts are used in different ways throughout the statistical lifecycle, and each role of a Concept is described using different information objects (which are subtypes of Concept). A Concept can be used in these situations:
(a)   As a characteristic. The Concept is used by a Variable to describe the particular characteristic that is to be measured about a Population. For example, to measure the Concept of gender in a population of adults in Spain, the Variable combines this Concept with the Unit Type "person".
(b)   As a Unit Type or a Population. To describe the set of objects that information is to be obtained about in a statistical survey. For example, the Population of adults in the Netherlands based on the Unit Type of persons.
(c)   As a Category to further define details about a Concept. For example, Male and Female for the Concept of Gender. Codes can be linked to a Category via a Node (i.e. a Code Item or Classification Item), for use within a Codelist or Statistical Classification.
In SDMX the Concept can be given a core Representation such as a reference to a Codelist for an enumerated Representation or other values such as "integer" or "string" for a non-enumerated Representation. This Representation can be overridden in the data structure when the Concept is used as a Dimension or Attribute. A Concept with a core Representation could be regarded as a represented variable.
Concept ID         CONCEPT
Related terms     Concept Scheme
Metadata Structure Definition, MSD
Source                 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) Specification (Version 1.1, December 2013) (https://statswiki.unece.org/display/gsim/)

Concept Scheme

Definition            Set of Concepts that are used in a Data Structure Definition or Metadata Structure Definition.
Context               Structural definitions of both data and reference metadata associate specific statistical concepts with their representations, whether textual, coded, etc. In SDMX these Concepts are taken from a "Concept Scheme" which is maintained by a specific Agency. Concept Schemes group a set of Concepts, provide their definitions and names. It is possible for a single Concept Scheme to be used both for data structures and metadata structures. A core Representation of each Concept can be specified (e.g. Codelist, or other Representations such as "date").
Concept ID         CONCEPT_SCH
Related terms     Concept
Item Scheme
Reference metadata
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Property of data indicating whether they are subject to dissemination restrictions.
Context               Data are protected by confidentiality in cases where unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties. For instance, data allowing the identification of a physical or legal person, either directly or indirectly, may be characterised as confidential according to the relevant national or international legislation. Unauthorised disclosure of data that are restricted or confidential is not permitted and even legislative measures or other formal provisions may be used to prevent disclosure. Often, there are procedures in place to prevent disclosure of restricted or confidential data, including rules applying to staff, aggregation rules when disseminating data, provision of unit records, etc.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONF
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Confidentiality - data treatment
Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality - redistribution authorisation policy
Confidentiality - status
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines for Confidentiality and Embargo in SDMX" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)
SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Confidentiality - data treatment

Definition            Rules applied for treating the Data Set to ensure that private information from individual units cannot be accessed and to prevent unauthorised disclosure.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the rules applied when treating the data with regard to statistical confidentiality (e.g. controlled rounding, cell suppression, aggregation of disclosive information, aggregation rules on aggregated confidential data, primary confidentiality with regard to single data values, etc.).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONF_DATA_TR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Confidentiality
Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality - redistribution authorisation policy
Confidentiality - status
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Confidentiality - policy

Definition            Legislative measures or other formal procedures which prevent unauthorised disclosure of data that identify a person or economic entity either directly or indirectly.
Context               This metadata element is used to provide textual descriptions and references to legislation or other rules related to statistical confidentiality. It should provide the assurance that all necessary methods assuring confidentiality have been applied to the data.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONF_POLICY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Confidentiality
Confidentiality - data treatment
Confidentiality - redistribution authorisation policy
Confidentiality - status
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)


Confidentiality - redistribution authorisation policy

Definition            Secondary recipient(s) to whom the sender allows the primary recipient to forward restricted data.
Context               This concept is used in the exchange of restricted data in cases where the sender explicitly allows subsequent forwarding of these data to other organisations.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONF_REDIST
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Confidentiality
Confidentiality - data treatment
Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality - status
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Confidentiality - status

Definition            Information about the confidentiality status of the object to which this attribute is attached.
Context               This concept is related to data and determines the exact status of the value. i.e. if a specific value is confidential or not. This concept is always coded, i.e. it takes its value from the respective Codelist.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONF_STATUS
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_CONF_STATUS
Related terms     Confidentiality
Confidentiality - data treatment
Confidentiality - policy
Confidentiality - redistribution authorisation policy
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_CONF_STATUS (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)


Definition            Specification of a subset of the possible content of data or metadata that can be derived from the Codelists used in a data or metadata structure.
Context               There are two types of Constraints: Content Constraints and Attachment Constraints.
A Content Constraint specifies either the "allowable content" (used to restrict the values allowed when data or metadata are reported or exchanged), or the "actual" content (Series Keys and/or Dimension and Attribute Values present in a Data Source). In each of these cases the Constraint specifies a sub set of the full cube of data that could theoretically be present according to the specification of the Data Structure Definition or Metadata Structure Definition.
An Attachment Constraint describes subsets of the content of a Data or Metadata Set in terms of the content regions or in terms of the set of key combinations to which attributes or reference metadata (as defined by structure definitions) may be attached.
Concept ID         CONSTRAINT
Related terms     Attribute
Member Selection
Member Value
Metadata Key Set
Metadata key value
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Individual or organisational contact points for the data or metadata.
Context               "Contact" describes contact points for the data or metadata, including how to reach the contact points.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Contact email address

Definition            E-mail address of the contact points for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_EMAIL
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact fax number
Contact mail
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact fax number

Definition            Fax number of the contact points for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_FAX
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact mail address
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact mail address

Definition            Postal address of the contact points for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_MAIL
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact name

Definition            Name of the contact points for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_NAME
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail address
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact organisation

Definition            Organisation of the contact point(s) for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   String; Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ORGANISATION
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail address
Contact name
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Contact organisation unit

Definition            Addressable subdivision of an organisation.
Context               This contact refers to the contact point for data and metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail address
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact person function
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact person function

Definition            Area of technical responsibility of the contact, such as "methodology", "database management" or "dissemination".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_FUNCT
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail address
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact phone number
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Contact phone number

Definition            Telephone number of the contact points for the data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CONTACT_PHONE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Contact
Contact email address
Contact fax number
Contact mail address
Contact name
Contact organisation
Contact organisation unit
Contact person function
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Content-Oriented Guidelines, COG

Definition            Practices for creating interoperable elements in the SDMX model using the SDMX Technical Specifications.
Context               The SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines comprise the Cross-Domain Concepts; Cross-Domain Codelists; Statistical Subject-Matter Domains; and the SDMX Glossary. The Guidelines focus on the harmonisation of specific concepts and terminology that are common to a large number of statistical domains. Such harmonisation is useful for the efficient exchange of comparable data and metadata.
Concept ID         COG
Related terms     Cross-Domain Codelist, CDCL
Cross-Domain Concept, CDC
Statistical subject-matter domain
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Content-Oriented Guidelines" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Cost and burden

Definition            Cost associated with the collection and production of a statistical product, as well as the burden imposed on respondents.
Context               The cost is associated with a statistical product and can be financial, human or time-related. It may consist of staff costs, data collection costs and other costs related to reporting obligations.
The burden is often measured by costs for the respondents (businesses, institutions, households, individuals) imposed by a statistical obligation. The overall burden of delivering the information depends on: a) the number of respondents; b) the average time required to provide the information, including time spent after receipt of the questionnaire ("recontact time"); and c) the hourly cost of a respondent's time.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COST_BURDEN
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Cost and burden - efficiency management
Cost and burden - resources
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Cost and burden - efficiency management

Definition            Cost-benefit analysis, effectiveness of execution of medium term statistical programmes, and ensuring efficient use of resources.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COST_BURDEN_EFF
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Cost and burden
Cost and burden - resources
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012) (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Cost and burden - resources

Definition            Metadata element providing assurances that staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing to undertake statistical production are commensurate with statistical programs.
Context               It may include the contribution of respondent time in supplying information (burden) as a distinct subject under this heading.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COST_BURDEN_RES
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Cost and burden
Cost and burden - efficiency management
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF).


Counterpart reference area

Definition            Secondary area, as opposed to reference area, to which the measured data are in relation.
Context               The "counterpart area" (also known as "vis-a-vis area") is related to statistics on foreign trade, migration or other domains. It determines, from the point of view of the reporting country, the corresponding area to which the economic or other flows are related to (e.g., in statistics on imports, the counterpart reference area is the area of origin of the goods).
A categorisation of IDs per attachment level (COUNTERPART_AREA_DSET for dataset, COUNTERPART_AREA_GRP for group) is recommended.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_AREA
Related terms     Reference area
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_AREA (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)


Definition            Definition of the scope of the data compiled.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the dimensions delimiting the statistics produced, e.g. geographical, products, economic and other sectors, industry, occupation, transactions, etc., as well as relevant exceptions and exclusions. It can also specify the period of time for which data are provided.
The term "Coverage" describes the scope of the data compiled, rather than the characteristics of the survey.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE
Recommended representation   String; Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_COVERAGE
Related terms     Coverage error
Geographical coverage
Population coverage
Sector coverage
Time coverage
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Coverage error

Definition            Error caused by a failure to cover adequately all components of the population being studied, which results in differences between the target population and the sampling frame.
Context               Coverage errors include over-coverage, under-coverage and misclassification. Incomplete sampling frames often result in coverage errors.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Measurement error
Model assumption error
Non-response error
Non-sampling error
Processing error
Source                 Statistical Office of the United Nations, "Handbook of Household Surveys, Revised Edition", Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 31, United Nations, New York, 1984 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/household_surveys_1984_EN.pdf)

Cross-domain Codelist, CDCL

Definition            SDMX Codelist meeting at least one of the criteria below:
1)    Potential application across all statistical domains;
2)    Codelist maintained by the SDMX Statistical Working Group (SWG) on its initiative;
3)    Codelist recommended as CDCL by the SDMX SWG although they are in principle maintained by third organisations.
Context               1) Potential application across all statistical domains.
Explanatory note: Key term for this criterion is "potential". These Codelists must not necessarily be implemented in all Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) but they potentially could. For example, Codelist "Unit multiplier" could possibly be used in all implementations dealing with statistical figures but some implementations might not see the need for such a Dimension because the statistical values do not require it, e.g. average number of children per household. Inversely, in this example a Codelist for decimals will be absolutely necessary.
2) Codelists maintained by the SWG on its initiative because 1) they are intended for broad use within the SDMX community and 2) there is a strong need for harmonisation across domains which are not necessarily closely connected with each other.
Explanatory note: By proposing such Codelists it is hoped to promote harmonisation across domains and provide ready-to-use artefacts to implementers.
Example for case 2: CL_ACTIVITY.
Explanatory note: International activity classifications are typically used in different statistical domains (e.g. economic versus social statistics). Without an established CDCL made available in centralised registries, the risk is that one domain develops a Codelist without taking into account the fact that other domains might use the same classification system.
3) Codelists recommended as CDCL by the SDMX Statistical Working Group (SWG) although they are in principle maintained by third organisations.
Examples: CL_AREA (based on the ISO 3166 alpha-2 codes for countries); CL_CURRENCY (based on the ISO 4217 3-character codes for currencies).
Explanatory note: In these cases, the value added by the SWG is to propose guidelines on specific methodological issues, e.g. how to code a country that has been split into several new entities.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CDCL
Related terms     Content-Oriented Guidelines, COG
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)        LIST OF AVAILABLE CROSS-DOMAIN CODE LISTS (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Cross-domain Concept, CDC

Definition            Standard Concept, covering structural and reference metadata, which should be used in several statistical domains wherever possible to enhance possibilities of the exchange of data and metadata between organisations.
Context               Cross-domain Concepts are envisaged to cover various elements describing statistical data and their quality. When exchanging statistics, institutions can select from a standard set of content-oriented concepts. The list of concepts and their definitions reflects recommended practices and can be the basis for mapping between internal systems when data and metadata are exchanged or shared between and among institutions.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CDC
Related terms     Content-Oriented Guidelines, COG
                             Reference metadata
Structural metadata
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Monetary denomination of the object being measured.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         CURRENCY
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_CURRENCY
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_CURRENCY (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Data collection method

Definition            Method applied for gathering data for official statistics.
Context               There are a number of data collection methods used for official statistics, including computer-aided personal or telephone interview (CAPI/CATI), mailed questionnaires, electronic or internet questionnaires, direct observation, administrative data sources, web-scraping and crowdsourcing sources. The data collection may be exclusively for statistical purposes, or primarily for non-statistical purposes.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COLL_METHOD
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data compilation

Definition            Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.
Context               In quality assurance frameworks, "Data compilation" refers to the description of statistical procedures used for producing intermediate data and final statistical outputs. Data compilation covers, among other things, the use of weighting schemes, methods for imputing missing values or source data, statistical adjustment, balancing/cross-checking techniques, and relevant characteristics of the specific methods applied.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DATA_COMP
Recommended representation   String
Related terms    Data validation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Data Consumer

Definition            Entity that uses data.
Context               An organisation can play a number of organisation roles. In the SDMX Information Model three roles are identified at present: Data Provider; Data Consumer; Maintenance Agency. The Data Consumer is relevant for data and reference metadata dissemination. Such systems may require access control. The Data Consumer can be linked to the Dataflows and Metadataflows via a Provision Agreement thus enabling a dissemination system to validate which consumers have access to which data and reference metadata.
Concept ID         DATA_CONSUM
Related terms     Item Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data Consumer Scheme

Definition            Maintained collection of Data Consumers.
Context               In SDMX a Data Consumer Scheme comprises a non-hierarchic list of Data Consumers. Each maintenance agency can have a single Data Consumer Scheme, and may have none. The identity of the Data Consumer is a combination of the identity of the Data Consumer Scheme (which includes the maintenance agency) in which it resides and the identity of the Data Consumer in that scheme.
Concept ID         DATA_CONSUM_SCH
Related terms     Agency Scheme
Data Provider Scheme
Item Scheme
Maintenance agency
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data description

Definition            Metadata element describing the main characteristics of the Data Set in an easily understandable manner, referring to the main data and indicators disseminated.
Context               This summary description should provide an immediate understanding of the data to users (also to those who do not have a broader technical knowledge of the Data Set in question).
Data can be displayed to users as tables, graphs or maps. According to the United Nations' Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, the choice of appropriate presentation methods should be made in accordance with professional considerations. Data presentation includes the description of the Data Set disseminated with the main variables covered, the classifications and breakdowns used, the reference area, a summary information on the time period covered and, if applicable, the base period used.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DATA_DESCR
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Data exchange

Definition            Process of sending and receiving data.
Context               Data exchange should take place in such a manner that the information content or meaning assigned to the data is not altered during the transmission.
Concept ID         DATA_EXCHGE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Bilateral exchange
Data sharing
Multilateral exchange
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Data extraction date

Definition            Date and time that the data are gathered from a Data Source.
Context               This information is in the Header of a Data Set, typically for processing by the receiving system in its administration of the Data Set.
Concept ID         DATA_EXTRACT_DATE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Structure which describes, categorises and constrains the allowable content of a Data Set that providers will supply for different reference periods.
Context               In SDMX, Data Sets are reported or disseminated according to a Dataflow Definition. The Dataflow Definition identifies the Data Structure Definition and may be associated with one or more subject-matter domains. This facilitates the search for data according to organised Category Schemes.
A "Dataflow", in this context, is an abstract Concept of the Data Sets, i.e. a structure without any data. While a Data Structure Definition defines Dimensions, Attributes, Measures and associated representation that comprise the valid structure of data and related metadata contained in a Data Set, the Dataflow Definition associates a Data Structure Definition with one or more Category. This gives a system the ability to state which Data Sets are to be reported for a given Category and which Data Sets can be reported using the Data Structure Definition. The Dataflow Definition may also have additional metadata attached, defining qualitative information and Constraints on the use of the Data Structure Definition, in terms of reporting periodicity or specifying the subset of Codes to be used in a Dimension.
Concept ID         DATAFLOW
Related terms     Attribute
Data Set
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Data Provider

Definition            Organisation or individual that reports or disseminates data or reference metadata.
Context               Data Providers are maintained in a Data Provider Scheme.
                             The Data Provider can be linked to the type of data (Dataflow) or reference metadata (Metadataflow) that it reports or disseminates. This link provides the data collection system or data dissemination system.
Concept ID         DATA_PROVIDER
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   String; Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ORGANISATION (used in order to use an agency-based Codelist that is also shared by other concepts; however, a different ID and separate Codelist may be suitable if the use-case of this concept is different to that of an agency-based Codelist).
Related terms     Data Provider Scheme
Item Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data Provider Scheme

Definition            Maintained collection of Data Providers.
Context               In SDMX a Data Provider Scheme contains a non-hierarchic list of Data Providers. Each maintenance agency can have a single Data Provider Scheme, and may have none. The identity of the Data Provider is a combination of the identity of the Data Provider Scheme (which includes the maintenance agency) in which it resides and the identity of the Data Provider in that scheme.
The Data Provider is the owning organisation of data and reference metadata. These data and reference metadata are reported, exchanged, or disseminated as SDMX Data Sets and SDMX Metadata Sets. The type of data and metadata that are available are specified in a Dataflow and Metadataflow. The union of one Data Provider and one Dataflow or Metadataflow is known as a Provision Agreement.
In a data collection scenario the Data Provider is the organisation reporting the data or reference metadata and information can be linked with the Provision Agreement. Information linked to the Provision Agreement can specify where the data or reference metadata are located (data registration) and the data collector (as the Agency of the Provision Agreement) can specify validation Constraints such as allowable dimension values or Series Keys for which data can be reported.
In a data dissemination scenario information linked to the Provision Agreement can specify the location of the Data Source and the content of the Data Source in terms of Series Keys available (Constraint).
Concept ID         DATA_PROV_SCH
Related terms     Agency scheme
                             Data Consumer Scheme
Data Provider
Item Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data revision

Definition            Change in a value of a statistic released to the public.
Context               Preliminary data are revised when more and better source data become available, or due to a change in methodology. "Data revision" describes the policy and practice for identifying the revision status of the data, as well as the availability of revision studies and analyses.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DATA_REV
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data revision - policy
Data revision - practice
Data revision - studies
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Data revision - policy

Definition            Policy aimed at ensuring the transparency of disseminated data, whereby preliminary data are compiled that are later revised.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the general guidelines for handling data revisions applied by a data providing agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REV_POLICY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data revision
Data revision - practice
Data revision - studies
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Data revision - practice

Definition            Information on the data revision practice.
Context               This metadata element is used to provide documentation regarding the source data used and the way they are adjusted, in order to give compilers the possibility of incorporating new and more accurate information into estimates, thus improving their accuracy without introducing breaks in the time series. It also describes the revision status of available data.
Data may also be subject to regular or ad hoc revisions as a result of the introduction of new classifications, compilation frameworks and methodologies which result in the compilation of historical data that replace previously released data. Whether or not such changes constitute an actual "revision" or the compilation of a "new" series is a matter of judgment to be done by the statistical agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REV_PRACTICE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data revision
Data revision - policy
Data revision - studies
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Data revision - studies

Definition            Information about data revision studies and analyses.
Context               Description of periodic studies related to data revisions. These studies can contain quantitative measures of the effects of revisions, such as mean revision and revision variance in estimates.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REV_STUDY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data revision
Data revision - policy
Data revision - practice
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Data Set

Definition            Organised collection of data defined by a Data Structure Definition (DSD).
Context               Within SDMX, a Data Set can be understood as a collection of similar data, sharing a structure, which extends over a period of time.
The Data Set can be represented physically in three fundamental forms:
-      Generic Data Set: this format allows the representation of data structured according to any Data Structure Definition;
-      Structure Specific Data Set: this format allows the representation of data structured according to a specific Data Structure Definition;
-      SDMX-EDI Data Set: a specific case of generic using the UN/EDIFACT syntax and which has limitations on what can be represented. It supports time series only.
The Structure Specific format is new to SDMX version 2.1 and combines the functionalities of the version 2.0 Compact and Cross Sectional formats.
Concept ID         DATA_SET
Related terms     Dataflow
Data Structure Definition, DSD
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data sharing

Definition            Exchange of data and/or metadata in a situation involving the use of open, freely available data formats and where process patterns are known and standard.
Context               In data sharing exchange, any organisation or individual can use any counterparty's data and metadata (assuming they are permitted access to it). This model requires no bilateral agreement, but only requires that data and metadata providers and consumers adhere to the standards.
Apart from data-sharing, SDMX identifies two other basic forms of exchange of statistics and metadata between organisations, i.e. bilateral exchange and multilateral exchange.
Concept ID         DATA_SHARING
Related terms     Bilateral exchange
                             Data exchange
Multilateral exchange
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Data Source

Definition            Location or service from where data or metadata can be obtained.
Context               The location includes a resolvable URL which may download a file or be a query (that may be in the SDMX REST format) that returns data.
Data citation (citation text) or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) may also be included alongside the URL.
Concept ID         DATA_SOURCE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Data Structure Definition, DSD

Definition            Set of structural metadata associated to a Data Set, which includes information about how Concepts are associated with the Measures, Dimensions, and Attributes of a data cube, along with information about the Representation of data and related descriptive metadata.
Context               A DSD defines the structure of an organised collection of data (Data Set) by means of Concepts with specific roles, and their representation.
In order to exchange or disseminate statistical information, an institution needs to specify which statistical concepts are necessary for identifying the series (and for use as Dimensions) and which statistical concepts are to be used as attributes and measures. These definitions form the Data Structure Definition. In a data collection scenario the specification of the Data Structure Definition is often a collaborative venture between the collecting institution and its partners.
There are three types of construct in the DSD: Dimension, Attribute, and Measure. Each of these combines a Concept with its representation (this can be either a reference to a Codelist or a non-coded data type such as "integer", "string", or one of the "date/time" types.
The roles of the three types of construct (Dimension, Attribute, and Measure) are as follows:
A Dimension is an identifying Component, sometimes referred to as a "classificatory variable". When a value is given to each of the Dimensions in a Data Set (this is often called a "Key" or a "series") the resulting Key, when combined with a time value, uniquely identifies an observation. For instance, country, indicator, measurement unit, frequency, and Time Dimensions together identify the cells in a cross-country time series with multiple indicators (e.g. gross domestic product, gross domestic debt) measured in different units (e.g. various currencies, percent changes) and at different frequencies (e.g. annual, quarterly). The cells in such a multi-dimensional table contain the Observation Values.
The DSD construct that specifies the Concept and expected representation of an observation is called a Measure. The semantics of the measure is derived from the Dimensions or a sub set of them and, if not specified in a Dimension, an Attribute indicating the measurement unit e.g. indicator and measure unit (gross domestic product percentage change).
Additional metadata that are useful for understanding or processing the observed value or the context of Data Set or series are called an Attribute in the DSD. Examples of an attribute are a note on the observation, a confidentiality status, or the unit of measure used, or the Title of a series.
Concept ID         DSD
Related terms     Attribute
Data Set
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines for SDMX Data Structure Definitions" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Data Structure Definition for global use (global DSD, DSD for global use)

Definition           DSD agreed by a number of international organisations for use within their respective constituencies.
Context               A DSD for global use is meeting one of the two criteria below:
1)    It is designed as a standard data structure for global use (i.e. having a very wide geographical coverage or cross-domain nature), with more than one SDMX sponsor organisation represented in the ownership group and one of the members of the ownership group acting as maintenance agency on behalf of the ownership group;
2 ) DSDs labelled as "global" by the SDMX sponsors considering the recognised expertise in the domain concerned of one of the organisations represented in the ownership group and the potential usefulness of the artefact for the whole SDMX community; in this case the DSD will have to meet strict criteria of versioning, governance, maintenance, adoption and endorsement.
Concept ID         DSD_GLOBAL
Related terms     Local Data Structure Definition (local DSD)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Data update - last update

Definition            Date of the most recent change of the measured value.
Context               This concept will typically be used as an Attribute in SDMX data exchanges, usually automatically generated as a timestamp.
                             It may also be used as a metadata Attribute in SDMX metadata exchanges, with a value as defined by the user.
It covers the observation value and attributes that determine the measured value (e.g. Unit of Measure and Unit Multiplier).
In the case that "Metadata update – Last update" is not implemented, then this concept may also be used to indicate changes to the metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DATA_LAST_UPDATE
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Data update – last certified
                             Metadata update - last update
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Data update - last certified

Definition            Date of the latest certification to confirm that the data posted are still up-to-date.
Context               The date of the latest certification is to be retained. Such a certification can also be done if the contents of the data have not been amended.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Data update - last update
                             Metadata update - last update
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Data validation

Definition            Process of monitoring the results of data compilation and ensuring the quality of the statistical results.
Context               Data validation describes methods and processes for assessing statistical data, and how the results of the assessments are monitored and made available to improve statistical processes.
All the controls made in terms of quality of the data to be published or already published are included in the validation process. Validation also takes into account the results of studies and analysis of revisions and how they are used to improve statistical processes. In this process, two dimensions can be distinguished: (i) validation before publication of the figures and (ii) validation after publication.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DATA_VALIDATION
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Data compilation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Number of digits of an observation to the right of a decimal point.
Context               A decimal is a fraction that has a denominator of a power of ten, the power depending on or deciding the decimal place. It is indicated by a decimal point to the left of the numerator, the denominator being omitted. Zeros are inserted between the point and the numerator, if necessary, to obtain the correct decimal place. Examples of decimals are 0.04 = 4/100 or 0.126 = 126/1000.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DECIMALS
Recommended representation   Integer; Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_DECIMALS
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_DECIMALS (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Degree of urbanisation

Definition            Classification of the entire territory of a country along the urban-rural continuum.
Context               The degree of urbanisation combines population size and population density thresholds to capture the full settlement hierarchy. It is applied in a two-step process: First, 1 km² grid cells are classified based on population density, contiguity and population size. Subsequently, local units are classified based on the type of grid cells their population resides in.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DEG_URB
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_DEG_URB
Source                 European Commission (Eurostat and Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy), International Labour Organization (ILO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), UN-Habitat, World Bank, "A recommendation on the method to delineate cities, urban and rural areas for international statistical comparisons", March 2020 (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/system/files/bg-item3j-recommendation-e.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_DEG_URB (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)


Definition            Statistical concept used in combination with other statistical concepts to identify a statistical series or individual observations.
Context               In SDMX, "Dimension" is a statistical concept used (most probably together with other statistical concepts) to identify a series, e.g. a statistical concept indicating a particular economic activity or a geographical reference area.
Concept ID         DIMENSION
Related terms     Concept
                             Data Structure Definition, DSD
Series Key
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Dissemination agency

Definition            Organisation disseminating the data being reported.
Context               This metadata element is needed in order to differentiate the compiling organisation from the organisation disseminating the data. The dissemination agency could be different from the reporting agency and the compilation agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DISS_ORG
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_ORGANISATION (used in order to use an agency-based Codelist that is also shared by other concepts; however, a different ID and separate Codelist may be suitable if the use case of this concept is different to that of an agency-based Codelist).
Related terms     Compiling Agency
                             Reporting agency
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)


Dissemination format

Definition            Media by which statistical data and metadata are disseminated.
Context               This metadata element refers to the various means of dissemination used for making the data available to the public. It includes a description of the various formats available, including where and how to get the information (for instance paper, electronic publications, online databases).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DISS_FORMAT
Recommended representation   String
Codelist ID         CL_ DISS_FORMAT
Related terms     Dissemination format - microdata access
Dissemination format - news release
Dissemination format - online database
Dissemination format - publications
Dissemination format - other formats
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Dissemination format - microdata access

Definition            Information on whether microdata are also disseminated.
Context               This metadata element indicates if and how the Data Set is accessible as micro-data (e.g. for researchers). Also the micro-data anonymisation rules should be described in short.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         MICRO_DAT_ACC
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Dissemination format
Dissemination format - news release
Dissemination format - online database
Dissemination format - publications
Dissemination format - other formats
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Dissemination format - news release

Definition            Regular or ad hoc press releases linked to the data.
Context               This metadata element covers press releases or other kind of similar releases linked to data or metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         NEWS_REL
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Dissemination format
Dissemination format - microdata access
Dissemination format - online database
Dissemination format - publications
Dissemination format - other formats
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Dissemination format - online database

Definition            Information about online databases in which the disseminated data can be accessed.
Context               This metadata element provides a description of and link to the online database where the data are available, with a summary identification of domain names as released on the website, as well as the related access conditions.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ONLINE_DB
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Dissemination format
Dissemination format - microdata access
Dissemination format - news release
Dissemination format - publications
Dissemination format - other formats
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Dissemination format - publications

Definition            Regular or ad hoc publications in which the data are made available to the public.
Context               This metadata element provides references to the most important data dissemination done through paper or online publications, including a summary identification and information on availability of the publication means.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PUBLICATIONS
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Dissemination format
Dissemination format - microdata access
Dissemination format - news release
Dissemination format - online database
Dissemination format - other formats
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Dissemination format - other formats

Definition            References to the most important other data dissemination done.
Context               Examples of other dissemination formats are analytical publications edited by policy users.
This concept includes, as a sub-element, "Supplementary data", i.e. any customised tabulation that can be provided to meet specific requests (including information on procedures for obtaining access to these data).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DISS_OTHER
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Dissemination format
Dissemination format - microdata access
Dissemination format - news release
Dissemination format - online database
Dissemination format - publications
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Documentation on methodology

Definition            Descriptive text and references to methodological documents available.
Context               This metadata element refers to the availability of documentation related to various aspects of the data, such as methodological documents, summary notes or papers covering concepts, scope, classifications and statistical techniques.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         DOC_METHOD
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Documentation on methodology - advance notice
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Documentation on methodology - advance notice

Definition            Policy on notifying the public of changes in methodology, indicating whether the public is notified before a methodological change affects disseminated data and, if so, how long before.
Context               This metadata element informs users in advance about major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ADV_NOTICE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Documentation on methodology
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

DSD for global use: See " Data Structure Definition for global use (global DSD, DSD for global use)"

Economic activity

Definition            Combination of actions that result in the production, distribution and consumption of goods or services.
Context               An activity can be said to take place when resources such as equipment, labour, manufacturing techniques or products are combined, leading to specific goods or services. Thus, an activity is characterised by an input of resources, a production process and an output of products.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ACTIVITY
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ACTIVITY
Related terms     Economic sector
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_ACTIVITY (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Economic sector

Definition        High-level grouping of economic activities based on the types of goods and services produced.
Context           There is a general agreement on having a high-level breakdown of the economic activity in three main sectors:

  • Primary (extraction, fishing, farming, etc.);
  • Secondary (manufacturing);
  • Tertiary (sales and services).

                            Some authors add two new categories:

  • Quaternary (information and knowledge-based services);
  • Quinary (human services).

Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         ECO_SECTOR
Recommended representation   Codelist (Partial)
Codelist ID         CL_ACTIVITY
Related terms     Economic activity
Ownership sector
Source                 World Bank, "Sector Taxonomy and definitions, Revised July 1, 2016", (http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/538321490128452070/Sector-Taxonomy-and-definitions.pdf)
Site "BusinessDictionary" (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/economic-sector.html) (last consulted on 26 June 2018)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_ACTIVITY (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Education level

Definition            Ordered set which groups and classifies education programmes according to the knowledge, skills, competencies and qualifications which they are designed to impart.
Context               The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), maintained by the Institute for Statistics (UIS) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), is used to classify programmes and their resulting qualifications into levels and fields of education. It is a widely-used global reference classification for education systems which provides a comprehensive framework for organising education programmes and qualifications by applying uniform and internationally agreed definitions to facilitate comparisons of education systems across countries.
ISCED is the international framework for assembling, compiling and analysing cross-nationally comparable data related to students, teachers, educational attainment and education expenditure. ISCED 2011 is the second major revision of this classification (initially developed in the 1970s and revised in 1997). It was adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in November 2011.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         EDUCATION_LEV
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_EDUCATION_LEV
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       UNESCO Institute for Statistics, "International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)" (http://uis.unesco.org/en/topic/international-standard-classification-education-isced)

Embargo time

Definition            Exact time at which the data can be made available to the public.
Context               Usually, there is a time delay between the finalisation of the production process of statistical data and the moment when the data produced are released and made available to the users. This point in time where data are made publicly available is called "embargo time".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         EMBARGO_TIME
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines for Confidentiality and Embargo in SDMX" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Employment status: See "Status in employment"

Expenditure according to purpose

Definition            Breakdown of spending by institutional sectors between major expenditure functions.
Context               This concept is typically used in the SNA (System of National Accounts) where transactions are first analysed according to their nature, then, for certain sectors or kind of transactions, from the expenditure side, by purpose, answering the question "for what purpose?" The classifications supporting this concept are the following:

  • Classification of the functions of government (COFOG);
  • Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP),
  • Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI);
  • Classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP).

                             The main purpose of these classifications is to provide statistics which experience has shown to be of general interest for a wide variety of analytical uses. For example, COICOP shows items such as household expenditure on food, health and education services all of which are important indicators of national welfare; COFOG shows government expenditure on health, education, defence, etc. and is also used to distinguish between collective services and individual consumption of goods and services provided by government.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         EXPENDITURE
Recommended representation   Codelist
Source                 United Nations, Statistics Division, "Classifications of expenditure according to purpose", New York, 2000 (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesM/SeriesM_84E.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, Codelists CL_COFOG, CL_COICOP, CL_COPNI, CL_COPP (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)


Definition            Format specification of a Component's content when reported in a Data or Metadata Set.
Context               This specifies the valid format for a non-enumerated domain for a Component.
Concept ID         FACET
Related terms     Component
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Fast-track change

Definition            Procedure followed to update at short notice an SDMX artefact.
Context               A fast-track change request can be triggered by any of the organisations in the ownership group. Only changes not breaking backwards compatibility can be issued as fast-track. Fast-track changes follow the same change management process as normal changes but are applied with immediate effect if approved and do not need to wait until the next annual maintenance cycle.
Concept ID         FAST_TRACK
Related terms     Ownership group
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Frequency of data collection

Definition            Time interval at which the source data are collected.
Context               The frequencies with which the source data are collected and produced could be different: a time series could be collected from the respondents at quarterly frequency but the data production may have a monthly frequency. The frequency of data collection should therefore be described.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         FREQ_COLL
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_FREQ
Related terms     Frequency of dissemination
Frequency of observation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, Codelist CL_FREQ (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Frequency of dissemination

Definition            Time interval at which the statistics are disseminated over a given time period.
Context               The frequencies with which data are released, which could be different from the frequency of data collection.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         FREQ_DISS
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_FREQ
Related terms     Frequency of data collection
Frequency of observation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, Codelist CL_FREQ (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Frequency of observation

Definition            Time interval at which observations occur over a given time period.
Context               If a data series has a constant time interval between its observations, this interval determines the frequency of the series (e.g. monthly, quarterly, yearly). "Frequency" - also called "periodicity" - may refer to several stages in the production process, e.g. in data collection or in data dissemination (e.g. a time series could be available at annual frequency but the underlying data are compiled monthly). Therefore, "Frequency" can be broken down into "Frequency - data collection" and "Frequency - data dissemination".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         FREQ
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_FREQ
Related terms     Frequency of data collection
Frequency of dissemination
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, Codelist CL_FREQ (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Geographical coverage

Definition            Characterisation of the statistical units according to geographical criteria.
Context               The geographical coverage specifies the relation of the statistical observation to a kind of area like macro regions, countries, sub-regions, localities, and/or types of cities covered.
This concept is usually reference metadata, therefore modelled as an attribute in a DSD, or an MSD concept.
Here is an example showing geographical coverage and reference area usage from Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC):
Geographical coverage (MSD concept): May exclude small parts of the national territory amounting to no more than 2% of the national population and the national territories.
Reference area (DSD Dimension): FR – France.
Another example from the 2014 household survey of Argentina:
Geographical coverage (DSD attribute): Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Reference area (DSD Dimension): AR – Argentina.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE_GEO
Recommended representation   String; Codelist
Related terms     Coverage
Reference area
Population coverage
                             Sector coverage
Time coverage
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Global DSD: See " Data Structure Definition for global use (global DSD, DSD for global use)"

Global Registry

Definition            Central and discoverable repository for SDMX structural metadata.
Context               The SDMX Global Registry is the central reference point and authoritative source for SDMX global Data Structure Definitions and related objects.
The contents of the Global Registry are subject to the SDMX Global Registry content policy which defines the criteria that the SDMX artefacts must meet before the artefacts can be included in the Global Registry.
Concept ID         GLOBAL_REGISTRY
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, SDMX Global Registry (https://registry.sdmx.org/)
SDMX, "SDMX Global Registry Content Policy" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345#RegistryPolicy)


Group Key

Definition            Set of key values that comprise a partial key.
Context               A Group Key is derived from the dimensionality of the Series Key for the purpose of attaching data attributes.
Concept ID         GROUP_KEY
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Group key structure

Definition            Set of metadata concepts that define a partial key derived from the Dimension Descriptor in a Data Structure Definition.
Context               The Group Key's structure that comprises the subset of Dimensions that specifies the structure of the partial key.
Concept ID         GROUP_KEY_STRUCT
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Hierarchical Code

Definition            Code reference that is part of a hierarchy.
Context               The Hierarchical Code references a Code in a Codelist and can have child Hierarchical Codes. It can also reference a Level in a Hierarchical Codelist.
Concept ID         HCL_CODE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Hierarchical Codelist, HCL

Definition            Organised collection of Codes that may be part of many parent/child relationships with other Codes in the scheme, as defined by one or more hierarchies of the scheme.
Context               The Codelist in SDMX can be hierarchical but it is capable of being processed as flat list as each Code can have only one parent code. A Hierarchical Codelist (HCL) is able to have multiple hierarchies and can have formal Levels. The Codes used in an HCL are derived from one or more Codelists therefore an HCL can combine Codes from multiple Codelists and define hierarchies from these Codes. For example, adding geographic codes such as continents or regions.
Concept ID         HCL
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other links:           SDMX, “Guidelines for the Creation and Management of SDMX Code Lists”, Version 3.0, 19 January 2018 (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345#CodeListGuideline)
SDMX Technical Notes (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_2-1_SECTION_6_TechnicalNotes_2020-07.pdf)


Definition            Classification structure arranged in levels of detail from the broadest to the most detailed level.
Context               Each level of the classification is defined in terms of the categories at the next lower level of the classification.
                             In SDMX this is known as a level based hierarchy. SDMX also has the concept of the value based hierarchy where the hierarchy of categories are not organised into formal levels.
Concept ID         HIERARCHY
Related terms     Level
Source                 United Nations Glossary of Classification Terms; prepared by the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/coded_files/UN_glossary_of_classification_terms.pdf)

Hub (dissemination architecture)

Definition            Method of registering, querying, and disseminating data or reference metadata by means of a central, service-based platform (the hub).
Context               The hub architecture supports the "pull" method only, i.e. a group of partners agree on providing access to their data directly from their database according to standard processes, formats and technologies (e.g. web service).
From the data management point of view, the hub is also based on pre-specified datasets, which are not kept locally at the central hub system. The query process operates as follows:

  1. a user identifies a dataset through the graphical user interface (GUI) of the hub using the structural metadata, and requests it;
  2. the hub translates the user request in one or more queries and sends them to the related Data Providers' systems;
  3. Data Providers' systems process the query and send the result to the hub in standard format (e.g. SDMX-ML 2.1);
  4. the hub puts together all the results originated in all implicated Data Providers' systems and presents them in the requested format. This could be a human-readable, non-SDMX format such as a table.

Concept ID         HUB
Related terms     Pull (reporting method)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Identifiable Artefact

Definition            Construct that contains structures capable of providing identity to an object.
Context               In SDMX the identity comprises a mandatory Id and some optional attributes. Identifiable Artefacts inherit the capability of having Annotations.
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
Maintainable Artefact
Nameable Artefact
Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Procedure for entering a value for a specific data item where the response is missing or unusable.
Context               Imputation is the process used to determine and assign replacement values for missing, invalid or inconsistent data. This can be done by changing some of the responses or assigning values when they are missing on the record being edited to ensure that estimates are of high quality and that a plausible, internally consistent record is created.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         IMPUTATION
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Imputation rate
Source                 Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE), "Glossary of Terms on Statistical Data Editing", Conference of European Statisticians Methodological material, Geneva, 2000 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/UN_editing_glossary_2000.pdf)
Other link(s)       Statistics Canada, "Statistics Canada Quality Guidelines", various online editions (http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/bsolc/olc-cel/olc-cel?catno=12-539-X&CHROPG=1&lang=eng)

Imputation rate

Definition            Ratio of the number of replaced values to the total number of values for a given variable.
Context               The un-weighted rate shows, for a particular variable, the proportion of units for which a value has been imputed due to the original value being a missing, implausible, or inconsistent value in comparison with the number of units with a value for this variable.
The weighted rate shows, for a particular variable, the relative contribution of imputed values to the estimate of this item/variable.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         IMPUTATION_RATE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Imputation
Source                 Eurostat "ESS Guidelines for the Implementation of the ESS Quality and Performance Indicators (QPI)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/64157/4373903/02-ESS-Quality-and-performance-Indicators-2014.pdf/5c996003-b770-4a7c-9c2f-bf733e6b1f31)

Incremental update

Definition            Data or metadata message that is used for changing a part of the content of a Data or Metadata Set.
Context               Such Data Sets contain only the data that need to be updated. For any one series the data may contain only attributes (i.e. no observations); or just data (i.e. no attributes); or a mixture of observations and attributes. Note that in an incremental update a set of data or metadata may omit mandatory attributes.
Concept ID         INCREMENT_UPD
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Indicator: See "Statistical indicator"

Institutional mandate

Definition            Set of rules or other formal set of instructions assigning responsibility as well as the authority to an organisation for the collection, processing, and dissemination of statistics.
Context               The institutional mandate also includes arrangements or procedures to facilitate data sharing and coordination between data producing agencies.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         INST_MANDATE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Institutional mandate - data sharing
Institutional mandate - legal acts and other agreements
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Institutional mandate - data sharing

Definition            Arrangements or procedures for data sharing and coordination between data producing agencies.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         INST_MAN_SHAR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Institutional mandate
Institutional mandate - legal acts and other agreements
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Institutional mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Definition            Legal acts or other formal or informal agreements that assign responsibility as well as the authority to an Agency for the collection, processing, and dissemination of statistics.
Context               The concept covers provision in law assigning responsibility to specific organisations for collection, processing, and dissemination of statistics in one or several statistical domains. In addition, non-legal measures such as formal or informal administrative arrangements employed to specific organisations for collection, processing, and dissemination of statistics in one or several statistical domains should also be described.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         INST_MAN_LA_OA
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Institutional mandate
Institutional mandate - data sharing
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Institutional sector

Definition            Aggregation of institutional units on the basis of the type of producer and depending on their principal activity and function, which are considered to be indicative of their economic behaviour.
Context               A sector is divided into sub-sectors according to the criteria relevant to that sector; this permits a more precise description of the economic behaviour of the units.
                             The institutional sectors combine institutional units with broadly similar characteristics and behaviour: households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs), non-financial corporations, financial corporations, and the government. Transactions with non-residents and the financial claims of residents on non-residents, or vice versa, are recorded in the "rest of the world" account.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         INST_SECTOR
Recommended representation   Codelist
Related terms     Sector
Codelist ID         CL_INST_SECTOR
Source                 Eurostat, "European System of Accounts - ESA 1995", Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1996, 2.17-2.18 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/product?code=CA-15-96-001&mode=view)

International String

Definition            Construct defining multi-lingual text for the same underlying Concept.
Context               This is associated with the Name and Description of a structural metadata artefact. The text has an associated language therefore it is possible to define multi-lingual names and descriptions for any one structural metadata object such as a Code or Concept.
Concept ID         INTERNAT_STRING
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Construct that indicates whether an object is available in the metadata source that contains its identifier or whether the object itself is available elsewhere.
Context               This is used in structural metadata where the object is not contained in the structural metadata made available (e.g. in a structure message or in an SDMX Registry), but has a URI reference from where it can be obtained. Note that this is only available for maintainable objects such as a Codelist, and not for individual Codes.
Related terms     Codelist
Concept ID         IS_EXT_REF
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Construct that indicates whether the contained values of a container object is to be included or excluded from the valid list of values.
Context               This is used in validity Constraints to specify if the Constraint lists the items that are included in the list of valid contents, or are to be excluded from the list of valid contents.
Related terms     Constraint
Concept ID         IS_INCLUDED
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Item Scheme

Definition            Descriptive information for an arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics which the objects have in common.
Context               There are four types of Item Schemes in SDMX: Codelist, Concept Scheme, Category Scheme, Organisation Scheme (and four sub schemes: Agency, Data Provider, Data Consumer, Organisation Unit).
Concept ID         ITEM_SCH
Related terms     Agency Scheme
Category Scheme
Concept Scheme
Data Consumer Scheme
Data Provider Scheme
Organisation Unit Scheme
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Set of tasks and duties performed, or meant to be performed, by one person, including for an employer or in self-employment
Context               A set of jobs whose main tasks and duties are characterised by a high degree of similarity constitutes an occupation.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         JOB
Related terms     Occupation
Source                 International Labour Organization, "International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08), Part I: Introductory and Methodological Notes" (http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/)

Labour force status

Definition            Classification of the working age population based on the person's relation to the labour market in a short reference period.
Context               Persons of working age may be classified in a short reference period according to their labour force status as being employed, unemployed, or outside the labour force. The three main categories of labour force status are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. The labour force status of a person is established based on the activity principle, one hour-criterion and short reference period. While even during a short period, persons may be engaged in multiple activities, in the labour force status classification priority is given to 1-hour of employment over other activities; and to unemployment over outside the labour force. The latest international standards on this topic are contained in the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in 2013. The agency responsible for this topic is the International Labour Organization.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Codelist
Source                 International Labour Organization, "Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization" (19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians - ICLS), October 2013 (http://www.ilo.ch/global/statistics-and-databases/meetings-and-events/international-conference-of-labour-statisticians/19/WCMS_230304/lang--en/index.htm)


Definition            System of communication used by a particular community or Country.
Context               In some cases, although they are called in the same way, languages have some variations between different communities or countries which are locales in the SDMX information model. The most common used standards to classify languages are ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2/T, ISO 639-2/B, ISO-639-3; ISO 639-1 use two letters codes and the others use three letters.
The language Concept could be used with two purposes:

  1. To describe which is the communication system adopted by a particular community or Country;
  2. To select the correct set of descriptions in a Codelist. The Codes used by statistical classifications are language independent but they are described by labels which can be written in multiple languages. In order to select the correct description for a specific context, it is needed to specify which language will be used to present those descriptions to a group of communities or countries.

Concept ID         LANGUAGE
Related Terms   International String
Codelist ID         CL_LANGUAGE
Source                 ISO/IEC11179-3, Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes, Third edition, 15 February 2013 (http://metadata-standards.org/11179/#A3)


Definition            Identifiable position to which codes in a scheme of codes are related.
Context               In a "level based" hierarchy the Level describes a group of Codes which are characterised by homogeneous coding, and where the parent of each Code in the group is at the same higher level of the Hierarchy.
In a "value based" hierarchy the Level describes information about the Hierarchical Codes at the specified nesting Level.
A Statistical Classification has a structure which is composed of one or several Levels. A Level often is associated with a Concept, which defines it. A linear classification has only one Level.
Concept ID         LEVEL
Related terms     Coding Format
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Local Data Structure Definition (local DSD)

Definition            Data Structure Definition (DSD) developed for the specific needs of one organisation only.
Context               An example is a structure for use in internal production processes.
Concept ID         DSD_LOCAL
Related terms     Data Structure Definition for global use (global DSD, DSD for global use)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Maintainable Artefact

Definition            Construct that contains structures capable of providing a Maintenance Agency to an object.
Context               Maintainable Artefacts inherit the capability of having versioning name, identity and Annotations. In addition a Maintainable Artefact can have an indication that the artefact and its contained items (e.g. the contained items of a Codelist are the Codes) are "final" and there are restrictions on what type of change is allowed without changing the version.
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
Identifiable Artefact
Nameable Artefact
Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Maintenance agency

Definition            Organisation or other expert body responsible for the operational maintenance of commonly used metadata artefacts.
Context               The maintenance agency is responsible for all administrative and operational issues relating to an artefact or set of artefacts. It is the point of contact for all stakeholders for all issues related to the artefact(s) under its responsibility. The maintenance agency is not a decision-making body. Decisions are made collaboratively among the owners of the artefact.
                             Each identifiable SDMX artefact must have a single maintenance agency (though the maintenance agency could actually consist of several organisations or bodies), either directly (such as Codelist or a Data Structure Definition) or via the container in which it is maintained such as a code (maintained artefact is a Codelist) or a Dimension (maintained artefact is a Data Structure Definition).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         AGENCY
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_AGENCY
Related terms     Agency Scheme
Data Consumer Scheme
Ownership group
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Correspondence between two or more objects.
Context               In SDMX there are several different types of correspondence that are contained in StructureSet artefacts and have different types:
- StructureMap: Used for mapping Codes in a Codelist;
- ItemSchemeMap: Used for mapping different schemes such as ConceptSchemeMap, CategorySchemeMap, CodelistMap;
- HybridCodelistMap: Associates a Codelist and a Hierarchical Codelist.
Each map is a correspondence between the items in one scheme or list and the items in second scheme or list, where the schemes or lists must be of the same type (e.g. Codelists to Codelists).
The map can be specified at the level of the Dataflow or Data Structure, or the Metadataflow or Metadata Structure. The Map takes into account the Constraints that are attached to the structural artefact that is mapped.
Concept ID         MAP
Related Terms   Structure Set
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       Clickable SDMX: Structure Set and Mappings: https://statswiki.unece.org/display/ClickSDMX/Structure+Set+and+Mappings



Definition            Data element that represents a simple aggregation and which takes one or more vectors as arguments and returns a scalar.
Context               For this statistical indicator: "Number of accidents per thousand of population", the measure is "Number of accidents".
The terms "Measure" and "Statistical indicator" have often been used interchangeably, therefore the existing uses of the terms may differ from the definitions described here.
Concept ID         MEASURE
Related terms     Concept
Data Structure Definition, DSD
Statistical indicator
Unit of Measure
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Measurement error

Definition            Error in reading, calculating or recording a numerical value.
Context               Measurement errors occur when the response provided differs from the real value. Such errors may be attributable to the respondent, the interviewer, the questionnaire, the collection method or the respondent's record-keeping system. Errors may be random or they may result in a systematic bias if they are not random.
Measurement error in a survey response may result from respondents' confusion, ignorance, carelessness or dishonesty; error attributable to the interviewer may be a consequence of poor or inadequate training, prior expectations regarding respondents' responses, or deliberate errors; and error attributable to the wording of the questions in the questionnaire, the order or context in which the questions are presented, and the method used to obtain the responses.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         MEASUREMENT_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coverage error
Model assumption error
Non-response error
Non-sampling error
Processing error
Source                 The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, B.S. Everitt, Cambridge University Press, 1998
Other link(s)       Statistics Canada, "Statistics Canada Quality Guidelines", 4th edition, October 2003 (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-539-x/12-539-x2003001-eng.pdf)

Member Selection

Definition            Set of permissible values for one Component of a data or metadata structure.
Context               This is a part of a Constraint.
Concept ID         MEMBER_SEL
Related terms     Constraint
                             Member Value
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Member Value

Definition            Single value of the set of values for a Member Selection.
Context               This is a part of a Constraint.
Concept ID         MEMBER_VAL
Related terms     Constraint
Member Selection
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Collection of metadata concepts, structure and usage when used to collect or disseminate reference metadata.
Context               A reference metadata set also has a set of structural metadata which describes how it is organised. This metadata identifies what reference metadata concepts are being reported, how these concepts relate to each other (typically as hierarchies), what their presentational structure is, how they may be represented (as free text, as coded values, etc.), and with which formal object types they are associated.
Concept ID         METADATAFLOW
Related terms    Category
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Metadata Key

Definition            Construct comprised of one or more Object Type/Object Id(s) in order to uniquely identify an item in a collection of reference metadata.
Context               For instance, for a Code or a Concept the Metadata Key would be their Id, such as the URN. For a specific key or partial key there would be two objects, the Data Structure Definition and the Series Key. This is a conceptual structure as it is probable that the Metadata Key would combine the value of all of the individual Object Ids, as this would be necessary in order to find metadata quickly.
Metadata keys can be grouped into Metadata Key Sets.
Concept ID         META_KEY
Related terms     Metadata Key Set
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Metadata Key Set

Definition            Group of keys that identify items in a collection of reference metadata.
Context               A typical usage is to constrain a Metadataflow or Provision Agreement in order to validate the metadata exchange.
Concept ID         META_KEY_SET
Related terms     Constraint
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Metadata key value

Definition            Value in a Metadata Set of an identifier Component defined in a Metadata Structure Definition.
Context               This is a part of a Constraint.
Concept ID         META_KEY_VAL
Related terms     Constraint
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Metadata repository

Definition            Place where logically organised statistical metadata are stored that allows for querying, editing and managing of metadata.
Context               In SDMX reference metadata often relate to objects of the SDMX Information Model. These can be structural objects such as Dataflow, Code, Concept or Data Set objects such as partial keys (e.g. the value of a specific Dimension such as a country in the context of the Data Set) or even Observations. These metadata need to be managed and made accessible not only to systems disseminating the metadata but often also to systems concerned with data discovery, query, and data visualisation. Many dissemination systems unite the reference metadata with the data to which they pertain, even though these metadata are collected by different mechanisms, by different systems, and stored in different databases from the data.
Concept ID         META_REPO
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Metadata Set

Definition            Organised collection of reference metadata.
Context               In SDMX the Metadata Set must conform to the specification in a Metadata Structure Definition. The Metadata Set contains one or more reports, each report comprising the metadata content (a set of attributes and corresponding content), and the identification of the precise object to which the metadata are to be attached. The metadata can be attached to any SDMX artefact that can be identified (e.g. structural artefact such as a Code, Concept, Dimension or a part of a Data Set such as a partial Series Key or Observation).
In SDMX the type of report defined in a Metadata Structure Definition is known as "reference metadata" which are typified by quality metadata but can contain any type of metadata. These metadata are generally not reported with the data (as data attributes in a Data Set) and are often collected to a different schedule to the data, are derived from separate (from the data) repositories and collected from/reported by systems different from the statistical data warehouse.
Concept ID         META_SET
Related terms     Metadata Structure Definition, MSD
                             Reference metadata
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Metadata Structure Definition, MSD

Definition            Specification of the allowed content of a Metadata Set in terms of attributes for which content is to be provided and to which type of object the metadata pertain.
Context               An MSD defines the reference metadata to be collected or reported by specifying the concepts required, how these relate to each other, their presentational structure and to which objects they are to be attached.
Concept ID         MSD
Related terms     Attribute
Metadata Set
Reference metadata
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Metadata update

Definition            Date on which the metadata element was created or modified.
Context               The date of the metadata update may refer to the update of a whole Metadata Set or to the update of any single metadata item. The update can refer to the file update (with or without change in the content) or to the date on which the metadata have been posted on the web.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         META_UPDATE
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Metadata update - last certified
Metadata update - last posted
Metadata update - last update
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Metadata update - last certified

Definition            Date of the latest certification to confirm that the metadata posted are still up-to-date, even if the content has not been amended.
Context               In statistical agencies the domain manager is often asked to certify that the metadata are checked and updated at regular time intervals. The date of the latest certification is to be retained. Such a certification can also be done if the contents of the metadata file have not been amended. The concept is relevant for metadata reporting from countries to international organisations within metadata standards initiatives.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         META_CERTIFIED
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Metadata update
Metadata update - last posted
Metadata update - last update
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Metadata update - last posted

Definition            Date of the latest dissemination of the metadata.
Context               The date of the last posting (dissemination) of the metadata on the web site should be retained. This date will normally be inserted automatically by the metadata production system.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         META_POSTED
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Metadata update
Metadata update - last certified
Metadata update - last update
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Metadata update - last update

Definition            Date of the most recent change of the metadata.
Context               The last update of the content of metadata should be retained. It covers reference metadata and attributes that do not determine the measured value.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         META_LAST_UPDATE
Recommended representation   Basic Time Period
Related terms     Data update - last update
                             Metadata update
Metadata update - last certified
Metadata update - last posted
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Model assumption error

Definition            Error that occurs due to the use of methods, such as calibration, generalised regression estimator, calculation based on full scope or constant scope, benchmarking, seasonal adjustment and other models not included in other accuracy components, in order to calculate statistics or indexes.
Context               Error due to domain specific models needed to define the target of estimation.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         MODEL_ASSUMP_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coverage error
                             Measurement error
Non-response error
Non-sampling error
Processing error
Source                 Eurostat, "Assessment of Quality in Statistics: Glossary", Working Group, Luxembourg, October 2003 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/coded_files/QGLOSSARY 2003.pdf)

Mode of transport

Definition            Way in which passengers and/or goods can be transported.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TRANSPORT_MODE
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_TRANSPORT_MODE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Multilateral exchange

Definition            Exchange of statistics and / or metadata between a sending and several receiving organisations for a specific Dataflow where all parties agree on all aspects of the exchange (including the mechanism for exchange, the formats, the frequency or schedule).
Context               This exchange process has the effect of reducing the burden of a sending organisation of managing multiple unique bilateral exchanges of statistics and / or metadata with several receiving organisations. This is also a very common exchange process in the statistical area, where communities of national and international institutes agree on ways to gain efficiencies within the scope of their collective responsibilities.
                             Apart from multilateral exchange, the SDMX initiative identifies two other basic forms of exchange of statistics and metadata between organisations, i.e. bilateral exchange and data-sharing exchange.
Concept ID         MULTI_EXCHGE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Bilateral exchange
Data exchange
Data sharing
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Nameable Artefact

Definition            Construct that contains structures capable of providing a name and a description to an object.
Context               The name is mandatory and the description is optional. Each can have multilingual variants. Nameable Artefacts inherit the capability of having identity and Annotations.
Concept ID         NAMEABLE_ART
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
Identifiable Artefact
Maintainable Artefact
Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Non-response error

Definition            Error that occurs when the survey fails to get a response to one, or possibly all, of the questions.
Context               Non-response errors result from a failure to collect complete information on all units in the selected sample. These are known as "unit non-response" and "item non-response".
Non-response errors affect survey results in two ways. First, the decrease in sample size or in the amount of information collected in response to a particular question results in larger standard errors. Second, and perhaps more important, a bias is introduced to the extent that non-respondents differ from respondents within a selected sample.
Non-response errors are determined by collecting any or all of the following: unit response rate, weighted unit response rate, item response rate, item coverage rate, refusal rate, distribution of reason for non-response, comparison of data across contacts, link to administrative data for non- respondents, estimate of non-response bias.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         NONRESPONSE_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coverage error
                             Measurement error
Model assumption error
Non-sampling error
Processing error
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)
Other link(s)       Statistical Policy Working Paper 15: "Quality in Establishment Surveys", Office of Management and Budget, Washington D.C., July 1988, page 68 (https://nces.ed.gov/FCSM/pdf/spwp15.pdf)

Non-sampling error

Definition            Error in sample estimates which cannot be attributed to sampling fluctuations.
Context               Non-sampling errors may arise from many different sources such as defects in the sampling frame, faulty demarcation of sample units, defects in the selection of sample units, mistakes in the collection of data due to personal variations, misunderstanding, bias, negligence or dishonesty on the part of the investigator or of the interviewer, mistakes at the stage of the processing of the data, etc.
Non-sampling errors may be categorised as:
-    Coverage errors (or frame errors) due to divergences between the target population and the frame population;
-    Measurement errors occurring during data collection;
-    Nonresponse errors caused by no data collected for a population unit or for some survey variables;
-    Processing errors due to errors introduced during data entry, data editing, sometimes coding and imputation;
-    Model assumption errors.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         NONSAMPLING_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Accuracy
Accuracy - overall
Coverage error
Measurement error
Sampling error
Source                 The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Yadolah Dodge (ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003


Definition            Information sent to a person or application as a result of an event in an SDMX registry.
Context               The SDMX Global Registry has the ability to send a Notification message either by means of an e-mail or by an SDMX message to a URL of a service that will process the Notification. The sending of a Notification is triggered by an event in the registry that affects a structural metadata object in the registry, such as a change to a Codelist, a deletion of a Codelist, or the addition of a new Codelist.
The Notification is only created if there is one or more Subscriptions held for the object in question and it is sent only to the email addresses and URLs specified in the Subscriptions.
Concept ID         NOTIFICATION
Related terms     SDMX registry
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Observation pre-break value

Definition            Observation, at a time series break period, that was calculated using the old methodology.
Context               At a time series break period, two observations may be recorded: the pre-break value produced on the basis of the old methodology and the post-break value, as measured by the new methodology. SDMX allows for a pre-break value in the case of a series break, where one would use the Observation Value to show the post-break value.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PRE_BREAK_VALUE
Recommended representation   AlphaNumeric
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Observation status

Definition            Information on the quality of a value or an unusual or missing value.
Context               This item is normally coded and uses codes providing information about the status of a value, with respect to events such as "break", "estimated value", "forecast", "missing value", or "provisional value". In some cases, there is more than one event that may have influenced the value (e.g. a break in methodology may be accompanied with the fact that an observation is an estimate).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         OBS_STATUS
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_OBS_STATUS
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_OBS_STATUS (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)
                             Possible Ways of Implementing CL_OBS_STATUS Codelist (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)


Observation Value

Definition            Value of a particular variable.
Context               "Observation Value" is the field which holds the data.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         OBS_VALUE
Recommended representation   AlphaNumeric
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Definition            Kind of work done in a job as defined by the main tasks and duties performed.
Context               The concept of "occupation" is defined as a set of jobs whose main tasks and duties are characterized by a high degree of similarity. Persons may be classified by occupation through their relationship to a present, past or future job. A "job" is defined as "the set of tasks and duties performed or meant to be performed by one person for a single economic unit" (19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians - ICLS). The latest international standard for classification of occupations is the 2008 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08). The agency responsible for this topic is the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         OCCUPATION
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_OCCUPATION
Source                 International Labour Organization, "International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08), Part I: Introductory and Methodological Notes" (http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/isco08/)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_OCCUPATION (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Organisation Unit Scheme

Definition            Maintained collection of Organisation Units.
Context               In SDMX an Organisation Unit Scheme comprises a flat or hierarchical list of Organisation Units. Each maintenance agency can have multiple Organisation Unit Schemes, and may have none. The identity of the Organisation Unit is a combination of the identity of the Organisation Unit Scheme (which includes the maintenance agency) in which it resides and the identity of the Organisation Unit in that scheme.
The Organisation Unit plays no direct role in support of the functionality of SDMX systems as documented in the technical standards (whereas Agency, Data Provider, and Data Consumer do play a distinct role). Therefore, this type of organisation can play any role and have any behaviour that is internal to the systems that use it.
Concept ID         ORG_UNIT_SCH
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Ownership group

Definition            Set of organisations which collegially endorse the responsibility for the governance of an SDMX Data Structure Definition and its related artefacts.
Context               The daily maintenance of the artefacts is delegated to one of the members of the ownership group, called the "maintenance agency". Proposals for changes are proposed by the maintenance agency but the decision-making body is the ownership group. There can be several distinct maintenance agencies within a given global SDMX implementation.
Concept ID         OWNER_GRP
Related terms     Fast-track change
Maintenance agency
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Ownership sector

Definition           Disaggregation of economy by public or private ownership of the economic unit
Context               Refers to the legal organisation and the principal functions, behaviour and objectives of the economic unit with which a job is associated.
Concept ID         ECON_OWNER
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ECON_OWNER
Related terms     Economic Sector
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Periodicity: See "Frequency of observation"

Population coverage

Definition            Definition of the main types of population covered by the statistics.
Context               The population coverage describes the types of population as regards their earnings, the types of education, etc., covered by the statistics whenever applicable.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE_POP
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Related terms     Coverage
Geographical coverage
Sector coverage
Time coverage
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Preferred scale

Definition            Exponent in base 10 recommended for displaying the data when the data is in unit scale.
Context               For example, PREFERRED_SCALE=6 indicates that observations should be displayed in millions rather than the unit scale.
The main use case for this concept is to render the data in a client that consumes SDMX data (e.g. as a graph generator) where it is very useful to have a default scale preference already stated by the provider. It is intended that the value may be overridden by the consumer.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PREFERRED_SCALE
Recommended representation   Integer
Related terms     Unit multiplier
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Price adjustment

Definition            Statistical technique used to remove the effects of price influences operating on a data series.
Context               Various economic aggregates (e.g. GDP, investment, household consumption) are calculated so that changes in value terms can be divided up into a factor that reflects the underlying price changes and a factor which reflects the volume changes. As a result of this sub-division, one can get an idea of how these aggregates develop after adjustment for price changes. For example, in order to measure the volume growth of GDP and its components, it is therefore necessary to remove the effect of price changes from the changes in value, by keeping prices "constant" as it were.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PRICE_ADJUST
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_PRICE_ADJUST
Related terms     Adjustment
                             Seasonal adjustment
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Processing error

Definition            Error in final survey results arising from the faulty implementation of correctly planned implementation methods.
Context               Sources of processing errors include all post-collection operations, as well as the printing of questionnaires. Most processing errors occur in data for individual units, although errors can also be introduced in the implementation of systems and estimates.
In survey data, for example, processing errors may include transcription errors, coding errors, data entry errors and errors of arithmetic in tabulation.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROCESSING_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coverage error
                             Measurement error
Model assumption error
Non-response error
Non-sampling error
Source                 United States Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, "Statistical Policy Working Paper 15: Quality in Establishment Surveys", Washington D.C., July 1988 (https://nces.ed.gov/FCSM/pdf/spwp15.pdf)


Definition            Standard, skill and ability suitable for producing statistics of good quality.
Context               To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, on the methods and procedures for the collection, processing, storage and presentation of statistical data (United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, principle 2).
This metadata element describes the elements providing assurances that statistics are produced on an impartial basis; elements providing assurances that the choices of sources and statistical techniques as well as decisions about dissemination are informed solely by statistical considerations; elements providing assurances that the recruitment and promotion of staff are based on relevant aptitude; elements providing assurances that the statistical entity is entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics, guidelines for staff behaviour and procedures used to make these guidelines known to staff; other practices that provide assurances of the independence, integrity, and accountability of the statistical agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROF
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Professionalism - code of conduct
Professionalism - impartiality
Professionalism - methodology
Professionalism - statistical commentary
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)
Other link(s)       United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/dnss/gp/FP-Rev2013-E.pdf)
SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Professionalism - code of conduct

Definition            Provisions for assuring the qualifications of staff and allowing staff to perform their functions without intervention motivated by non-statistical objectives.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the policies promoting the recruitment and promotion of staff based on relevant aptitude; providing guidelines for staff behaviour and procedures to make these guidelines known to staff; and prescribing other practices that provide assurances of the independence, integrity, and accountability of the statistical agency.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROF_COND
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Professionalism
Professionalism - impartiality
Professionalism - methodology
Professionalism - statistical commentary
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Professionalism - impartiality

Definition            Elements providing assurances that statistics are developed, produced and disseminated in a neutral (impartial) manner, and that all users are given equal treatment.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROF_IMP
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Professionalism
Professionalism - code of conduct
Professionalism - methodology
Professionalism - statistical commentary
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Professionalism - methodology

Definition            Elements providing assurances that the choices of sources and statistical techniques as well as decisions about dissemination are informed solely by statistical considerations.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROF_METH
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Professionalism
Professionalism - code of conduct
Professionalism - impartiality
Professionalism - statistical commentary
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Professionalism - statistical commentary

Definition            Elements providing assurances that the statistical entity is entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PROF_STAT_COM
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Professionalism
Professionalism - code of conduct
Professionalism - impartiality
Professionalism - methodology
Source                 IMF, Data Quality Assessment Framework (May 2012), (https://dsbb.imf.org/dqrs/DQAF)

Provision Agreement

Definition            Arrangement within which the information provider supplies data or metadata.
Context               An artefact that links the Data Provider to the relevant Structure Usage (e.g. Dataflow Definition or Metadataflow Definition) for which the provider supplies data or metadata. The agreement may constrain the scope of the data or metadata that can be provided.
Concept ID         PROVISION_AGR
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Pull (reporting method)

Definition            Data or reference metadata reporting method that requires the provider to make the information available at an accessible web location.
Context               In a SDMX registry environment the Data Provider will fulfil its data reporting requirements when the registry has accepted the registration. The URL should be checked by the registry as being valid and the registry may check that the data service or Data Set are valid.
Concept ID         PULL_METHOD
Related Term     Hub (dissemination architecture)
Push (reporting method)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Time lag between the actual delivery of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered.
Context               Punctuality may be calculated, for instance, with reference to target dates announced in an official release calendar, laid down by regulations or previously agreed among partners.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         PUNCTUALITY
Recommended representation   String
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Push (reporting method)

Definition            Data or reference metadata reporting method that requires the provider to make the information available by means of transfer such as email or other electronic method.
Context               Different data collecting organisations have varying methods of implementing a push reporting method. Most of these use web technology or email.
Concept ID         PUSH_METHOD
Related terms     Pull (reporting method)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Quality management

Definition            Systems and frameworks in place within an organisation to manage the quality of statistical products and processes.
Context               This metadata element refers to the application of a formalised system that documents the structure, responsibilities and procedures put in place for satisfying users, while continuing to improve the data production and dissemination process. It also includes how well the resources meet the requirement.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         QUALITY_MGMNT
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Quality management - quality assessment
Quality management - quality assurance
Quality management - quality documentation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Quality management - quality assessment

Definition            Overall evaluation of data quality, based on standard quality criteria.
Context               The overall assessment of data quality may include the result of a scoring or grading process for quality. Scoring may be quantitative or qualitative.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         QUALITY_ASSMNT
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Quality management
Quality management - quality assurance
Quality management - quality documentation
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)


Quality management - quality assurance

Definition            Guidelines focusing on quality in general and dealing with quality of statistical programmes, including measures for ensuring the efficient use of resources.
Context               This metadata element refers to all the planned and systematic activities implemented that can be demonstrated to provide confidence that the data production processes will fulfil the requirements for the statistical output. This includes the design of programmes for quality management, the description of planning process, scheduling of work, frequency of plan updates, and other organisational arrangements to support and maintain planning function.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         QUALITY_ASSURE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Quality management
Quality management - quality assessment
Quality management - quality documentation
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Quality management - quality documentation

Definition            Documentation on procedures applied for quality management and quality assessment.
Context               This metadata element is used to document the methods and standards for assessing data quality, based on standard quality criteria such as relevance, accuracy and reliability, timeliness and punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, and coherence.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         QUALITY_DOC
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Quality management
Quality management - quality assessment
Quality management - quality assurance
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Recommended uses and limitations

Definition            Guidance for users on the correct usage and known caveats of the statistics.
Context               This metadata element describes the type of indicators that can be constructed, the validity of inferences that can be made, the types of analyses that can be performed, and the type of policy questions it can help answer. It should mention what type of calculations and derivations should be avoided.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REC_USE_LIM
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Technical information
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Reference area

Definition            Country or geographic area to which the measured statistical phenomenon relates.
Context               The concept refers to the country, geographical or political group of countries or regions within a country.
The concept is subject to a variety of hierarchies, as countries comprise territorial entities that are states (as understood by international law and practice), regions and other territorial entities that are not states but for which statistical data are produced internationally on a separate and independent basis.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REF_AREA
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_AREA
Related terms     Counterpart reference area
Geographical coverage
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_AREA (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215, see under "Geographical area")

Reference metadata

Definition            Metadata describing the contents and the quality of the statistical data.
Context               Preferably, reference metadata should include all of the following: a) "conceptual" metadata, describing the concepts used and their practical implementation, allowing users to understand what the statistics are measuring and, thus, their fitness for use; b) "methodological" metadata, describing methods used for the generation of the data (e.g. sampling, collection methods, editing processes); and c) "quality" metadata, describing the different quality dimensions of the resulting statistics (e.g. timeliness, accuracy).
Note that (a) does not define the actual structure of a Data Set in terms of concepts used, their representation, and role (Dimensions, Attributes, Measures) in a data structure. These metadata are referred to as Structural Metadata.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REF_METADATA
Related terms     Concept Scheme
Cross-domain concept, CDC
Metadata Set
Metadata Structure Definition, MSD
Structural metadata
Structural validation
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Reference period

Definition            Timespan or point in time to which the measured observation is intended to refer.
Context               In many cases, the reference period and time period will be identical, but there are also cases where they are different. This can happen if data are not available for the target reference period, but are available for a time period which is judged to be sufficiently close. For example, the reference period may be a calendar year, whereas data may only be available for a fiscal year. In such cases, "reference period" should refer to the target reference period rather than the actual time period of the data. The difference between target and actual reference period can be highlighted in a free text note.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REF_PERIOD
Recommended representation   Observational Time Period
Related terms     Base period
                             Time period
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wpcontent/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines on Non-Calendar Year Reporting of Data" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Release policy

Definition            Rules for disseminating statistical data to interested parties.
Context               This metadata element is used to describe the policy for release of the data to the public, how the public is informed that the data are being released, and whether the data are disseminated to all interested parties at the same time.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REL_POLICY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Release policy - release calendar
Release policy - release calendar access
Release policy - transparency
Release policy - user access
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Release policy - release calendar

Definition            Schedule of statistical release dates.
Context               An advance release calendar is the schedule for release of data, which are publicly disseminated so as to provide prior notice of the precise release dates on which a national statistical agency, other national agency, or international organisation undertakes to release specified statistical information to the public. Such information may be provided for statistical releases in the coming week, month, quarter or year.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REL_CAL_POLICY
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Release policy
Release policy - release calendar access
Release policy - transparency
Release policy - user access
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Release policy - release calendar access

Definition            Description of how the release calendar can be accessed.
Context               Access to the release calendar information. A hyperlink should be provided if available.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REL_CAL_ACCESS
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Release policy
Release policy - release calendar
Release policy - transparency
Release policy - user access
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)

Release policy - transparency

Definition            Statement describing whether and how the release policy is disseminated to the public.
Context               This statement does not describe the release policy itself.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REL_POL_TRA
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Release policy
Release policy - release calendar
Release policy - release calendar access
Release policy - user access
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Release policy - user access

Definition            Policy for release of the data to users, scope of dissemination (e.g. to the public, to selected users), how users are informed that the data are being released, and whether the policy determines the dissemination of statistical data to all users.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REL_POL_US_AC
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Release policy
Release policy - release calendar
Release policy - release calendar access
Release policy - transparency
Source                 Eurostat, "Technical Manual of the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)", Luxembourg, 2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/SIMS_Manual_2014.pdf)


Definition            Degree to which statistical information meets the real or perceived needs of clients.
Context               Relevance is concerned with whether the available information sheds light on the issues that are important to users. Assessing relevance is subjective and depends upon the varying needs of users. The Agency's challenge is to weight and balance the conflicting needs of current and potential users to produce statistics that satisfy the most important needs within given resource constraints. In assessing relevance one approach is to gauge relevance directly, by polling users about the data. Indirect evidence of relevance may be found by ascertaining where there are processes in place to determine the uses of data and the views of their users or to use the data in-house for research and other analysis. Relevance refers to the processes for monitoring the relevance and practical usefulness of existing statistics in meeting users' needs and how these processes impact the development of statistical programmes.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         RELEVANCE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Relevance - completeness
Relevance - user needs
Relevance - user satisfaction
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Relevance - completeness

Definition            Extent to which all statistics that are needed are available.
Context               The measurement of the availability of statistics normally refers to Data Sets and compares the required Data Set to the available one.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COMPLETENESS
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Relevance
Relevance - user needs
Relevance - user satisfaction
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Relevance - user needs

Definition            Description of requirements with respect to the statistical output.
Context               With respect to the statistical data to be provided the main users (e.g. official authorities, the public or others) and user needs should be stated, e.g. official authorities with the needs for policy indicators, national users, etc.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         USER_NEEDS
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Relevance
Relevance - completeness
Relevance - user satisfaction
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Relevance - user satisfaction

Definition            Description of how well the disseminated statistics meet the expressed user needs.
Context               In quality assurance frameworks this element indicates how the views and opinions of the users are collected. If user satisfaction surveys are conducted the way users' views and opinions are collected should be described and the main results shown (in the form of a user satisfaction index if available); the date of the most recent user satisfaction survey should also be mentioned. Otherwise, any other indication or measure to determine user satisfaction might be used.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         USER_SAT
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Relevance
Relevance - completeness
Relevance - user needs
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Reporting agency

Definition            Organisation that supplies the data for a given instance of the statistics.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         REP_AGENCY
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_ORGANISATION (used in order to use an agency-based Codelist that is also shared by other concepts; however, a different ID and separate Codelist may be suitable if the use-case of this concept is different to that of an agency-based Codelist).
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Reporting Category

Definition            Component of a Reporting Taxonomy that gives structure to a report and links to data and metadata.
Context               This is used to group Dataflows and Metadataflows to support data publication.
Concept ID         REP_CATEGORY
Related terms     Reporting Taxonomy
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Reporting Taxonomy

Definition            Scheme which defines the composition structure of a data report where each Component can be described by an independent Dataflow Definition or Metadataflow Definition.
Context               This is used to group the Reporting Categories that link to Dataflows and Metadataflows to support data publication.
Concept ID         REP_TAXO
Related terms     Reporting Category
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Allowable value or format for Component or Concept when reported.
Context               The Representation can be enumerated or non-enumerated. An enumerated Representation can be a Codelist, Concept Scheme, Category Scheme, Organisation Unit Scheme, Data Provider Scheme, Data Consumer Scheme, Agency Scheme. A non-enumerated Representation is a specification of the valid content in terms of data types such as boolean, string, integer, and the time formats within the Observational Time Period hierarchy such as Standard Time Period and Time Range.
Concept ID         REPRESENT
Related terms     Component
Time format
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "SDMX Technical Notes for SDMX Version 2.1 (Revision 1.0)" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)

Sampling error

Definition            Part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, which is due to the fact that only a subset of the population is enumerated.
Context               Sampling errors are distinct from errors due to imperfect selection, bias in response or estimation, errors of observation and recording, etc.
For probability sampling, the random variation due to sampling can be calculated. For non-probability sampling, random errors cannot be calculated without reference to some kind of model. The totality of sampling errors in all possible samples of the same size generates the sampling distribution of the statistic which is being used to estimate the parent value.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         SAMPLING_ERR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Accuracy
Accuracy - overall
Non-sampling error
Source                 The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Yadolah Dodge (ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003



Definition            Comma-Separated Values (CSV) based data exchange message format designed for and therefore responding to the main use case of public data dissemination. It fully respects the RFC 4180 specification (Common Format and MIME Type for CSV Files).
Context               CSV is a widely used standardised and simple format to exchange data supported by many analytical and statistical software solutions. It is thus the most appropriate for general public data dissemination purposes. But it also offers clear advantages in special use cases linked to data collection and to system integration especially when third party database solutions are involved, such as relational databases.
The SDMX-CSV Data Message format supports the SDMX 2.1 Information Model and works together with the SDMX 2.1 RESTful Web Services API for data queries. The SDMX-CSV format is streamable from a supporting web service in order to limit the amount of server resources.
Concept ID         SDMXCSV
Related terms     SDMX-EDI
SDMX technical specification
Source                 SDMX-CSV data message specifications on GitHub (https://github.com/sdmx-twg/sdmx-csv)
Other links         SDMX-CSV format specifications (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)
RFC 4180 specification (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180)
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)


Definition            UN/EDIFACT format for exchange of SDMX-structured data and metadata for time series.
Context               SDMX-EDI is a message designed for the exchange of statistical information between organisations in a platform independent manner. The SDMX-EDI format is drawn from the GESMES/TS version 3.0 implementation guide, published as a standard of the SDMX initiative.
GESMES (Generic Statistical Message) is a United Nations standard (EDIFACT message) allowing partner institutions to exchange statistical multi-dimensional arrays in a generic but standardised way. GESMES/TS (TS stands for "time series" and the specification is limited to supporting time series data) is an Implementation Guide specifying the use of GESMES for time series data and related metadata, and structural metadata; it can be regarded as a profile of GESMES.
In the SDMX standard the GESMES/TS profile is known as SDMX-EDI. It defines the structures of GESMES that are available for use in SDMX-EDI thus allowing partner institutions to design and to build the applications needed to "read" and "write" SDMX-EDI messages.
Concept ID         SDMX_EDI
Related terms     SDMX information model, SDMX-IM
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)



SDMX Information Model, SDMX-IM

Definition            Conceptual model for defining and describing the classes, attributes, and relationships of the SDMX standard.
Context               This model is represented in UML (Unified Modelling Language). Section Two of the SDMX technical standard (SDMX Information Model) describes the parts of the model that pertain to structural metadata. Additional structures that relate to Subscription (request to be notified of changes) and Notification (of the changes) are described in Section Five of the SDMX technical standard (Registry Specification).
All implementation artefacts such as SDMX-ML and SDMX-EDI specifications for data and structures are derived from the SDMX Information Model and there is a close correlation between the model and these implementation artefacts. This close correlation results in the ability to build syntax and version independent software that can work at the level of the model but which support the various syntaxes and versions of the SDMX implementation artefacts.
Concept ID         SDMX_IM
Related terms     Component
SDMX technical specification
Source                 SDMX Technical Specifications (including the Information Model) (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)
Other link(s)       Clickable SDMX interface (interactive way to navigate the SDMX Information Model) (http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/ClickSDMX/Clickable+SDMX+Home)


Definition            JSON format for the dissemination of SDMX-structured data and metadata on the web.
Context               SDMX-JSON is a data exchange format for data discovery and data visualisation on the web. It conforms to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) standard specification, and it supports the SDMX 2.1 Information Model. SDMX-JSON is compatible with the SDMX RESTful Web Services API, and it supports all features of the SDMX RESTful API for data queries. The SDMX-JSON data exchange format is documented in the SDMX-JSON Data Message specification.
Concept ID         SDMX_JSON
Related terms     SDMX Information model, SDMX-IM
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX Technical Specifications (including the Information Model) (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)


Definition            XML format for the exchange of SDMX-structured data and metadata.
Context               SDMX-ML (SDMX markup language) is an XML implementation of the SDMX Information Model. In addition to supporting the collection and dissemination of statistical multi-dimensional arrays in a generic but standardised way, the SDMX-ML supports constructs that aid data validation, data discovery, mapping (of Data Sets) reference metadata, and process.
The markup language uses the XML syntax and the allowable markup is specified and documented in Section 3 of the SDMX technical standards (Schema and Documentation).
Concept ID         SDMX_ML
Related terms     SDMX information model, SDMX-IM
SDMX registry interface
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX Technical Specifications (including the Information Model) (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)

SDMX Registry

Definition            Repository for structural metadata and registered Data Sources whose interfaces and behaviour comply with the SDMX technical standards.
Context               The functionality and behaviour of a repository for structural metadata is specified as part of the SDMX standard. In order for this repository to be compliant with the SDMX specification it must support the ability to accept for submission SDMX structural and Data Source metadata and the ability to accept an SDMX-compliant query for the metadata. An SDMX Registry is provided as a web service and the technical mechanisms used for the submission and query are specified in the SDMX Registry Specification and the SDMX Web Services Guidelines. It is not obligatory for an SDMX-compliant registry to support all of the SDMX structural metadata nor all of the varieties of methods of query and response specified in the SDMX Registry Specification and SDMX Web Services Guidelines. However, in order to be SDMX-compliant an SDMX Registry must comply with the SDMX Registry Specification and the SDMX Web Services Guidelines.
Concept ID         SDMX_REG
Related terms     Notification
SDMX registry interface
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX Technical Specifications (including the Information Model) (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)

SDMX Registry Interface (in the context of registry)

Definition            SDMX-ML specification of the allowable constructs that an SDMX registry must consume or output in its response.
Context               The SDMX Registry must comply with the Registry Interface API and web services specification for query. An SDMX Registry is not obliged to implement all of the APIs.
Related terms     SDMX-ML
SDMX Registry
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

SDMX Technical Specification

Definition            Set of standards enabling interoperable implementations within and between systems concerned with the exchange, reporting and dissemination of statistical data and related metadata.
Context               The Information Model at the core of this International Standard has been developed to support statistics as collected and used by governmental and supra-national statistical organisations, and this model is also applicable to other organisational contexts involving statistical data and related metadata.
This set of standards comprises a number of specifications covering the Information Model, various syntax implementations of the model, metadata registry for storage, query, and retrieval, and web services for both data and structural metadata.
Concept ID         SDMX_TECH_SPEC
Related terms     SDMX information model, SDMX-IM
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX Technical Specifications (including the Information Model) (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5008)

Seasonal adjustment

Definition            Statistical technique used to remove the effects of seasonal and calendar influences operating on a data series.
Context               Seasonal adjustment removes the effects of events that follow a more or less regular pattern each year. These adjustments make it easier to observe the cyclical and other non-seasonal movements in a data series.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         SEASONAL_ADJUST
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_SEASONAL_ADJUST
Related terms     Adjustment
Price adjustment
Source                 Australian Bureau of Statistics, "An Analytical Framework for Price Indexes in Australia: Glossary and References", Canberra, 1997 (http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/bb8db737e2af84b8ca2571780015701e/ff4de83064a2e425ca25697e0018fd44!OpenDocument)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_SEASONAL_ADJUST (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)
                             U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Online glossary, last consulted August 2020 (http://www.bls.gov/bls/glossary.htm)


Definition           Classification of statistical entities engaged in similar kinds of activities.
Context               "Sector" is a specific term used in the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) to denote one of the mutually exclusive institutional sectors that group together institutional units on the basis of their principal functions, behaviour and objectives: nonfinancial corporations, financial corporations, general government, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs), and households.
A sector can be a subgroup of an economic activity - as in "coal mining sector" - or a group of economic activities - as in "service sector" - or a cross-section of a group of economic activities - as in "informal sector".
Concept ID         SECTOR
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_SECTOR
Related terms     Economic activity
Economic sector
Institutional sector
Source                 International Monetary Fund (IMF), "Revised Manual for the PPI - Glossary", Washington DC (http://www.imf.org/external/np/sta/tegppi/index.htm) (last consulted on 21 August 2020)

Sector coverage

Definition            Description of sectors covered by the statistics.
Context               This metadata element describes all applicable sectors associated with the Data Set. An example is "Production units and households" in environmental accounts.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE_SECTOR
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Coverage
Geographical coverage
Population coverage
                             Time coverage
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)


Definition            Set of data observations disambiguated by the values of a single dimension, usually time.
Context               Series are an ordered sequence of qualitative or quantitative data samples or observations used to predict or demonstrate trends through time and space. The series can be classified by the criteria used to arranged them: time (historical or chronological), geolocation (spatial or geographical), occurrence (condition or frequency).
Time series is a basic building block of many datasets. It groups data that share the same dimension values except for the time dimension, allowing users to see changes in data over time, holding all other dimensions constant. Series is the generic concept, of which time series is the most common example. A series can be disambiguated by any single dimension, as long as the values for other dimensions do not change.
Concept ID         SERIES
Related terms     Break reason
Series key
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Series Key

Definition            Cross product of values of Dimensions where either the cross product or the cross product combined with a time value identifies uniquely an observation.
Context               Most Series Keys are combined with a time value in a Data Set in order to identify uniquely an observation. There may be particular Series Keys that do not require a time value in order to achieve this, so the "Time Dimension" is not obligatory in an SDMX Data Structure Definition. In an SDMX Data Set there must be a value for all of the Dimensions specified in the Data Structure Definition when reporting data for a Series Key.
The combination of the semantic of the names of the concepts used by the Dimension (excluding time) describes a Series Key. Unless the Data Structure Definition contains multiple measures this semantic is often the semantic of the observation.
Concept ID         SERIES_KEY
Related terms     Dimension
Sibling group
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            State of being male or female.
Context               This concept is applied if data need to be categorised by sex. The concept is in general coded, i.e. represented through a Codelist. It applies not only to human beings but also to animals and other living organisms.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         SEX
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_SEX
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_SEX (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Sibling group

Definition            Set of time series whose Keys differ only in the value taken by the frequency Dimension.
Context               Originally from SDMX-EDI a sibling group is uniquely identified by a Data Set identifier combined with the sibling group key.
Concept ID         SIBLING_GR
Related terms     Series Key
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Source data type

Definition            Characteristics and components of the raw statistical data used for compiling statistical aggregates.
Context               This metadata element is used to indicate whether the Data Set is based on a survey, on administrative Data Sources, on a mix of multiple Data Sources or on data from other statistical activities. If sample surveys are used, some sample characteristics should also be given (e.g. population size, gross and net sample size, type of sampling design, reporting domain). If administrative registers are used, the description of registers should be given (e.g. source, primary purpose, etc.).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         SOURCE_TYPE
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Standard Annotation

Definition            Information that is structured in a predefined way so that exchange partners can understand its content in an unambiguous way, and machines can parse the information and perform a specific action in response.
Context               A drawback of the Annotation construct is that it conveys no semantics. Annotations are containers for additional information relating to the Artefact to which they are attached. This means that for an Annotation to be interpreted in the same way by exchange partners a reference is needed that defines some standard behaviour and implementation. When implemented in systems and applications standard Annotations are often referred to as "actionable Annotations" or "machine-actionable Annotations".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         STANDARD_ANNOT
Recommended representation   Concept Scheme (CS_STANDARD_ANNOT)
Related terms     Annotation
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines on the Use of SDMX Annotations" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Statistical Classification

Definition            Set of categories (in the Generic Statistical Information Model sense) which may be assigned to one or more variables registered in statistical surveys or administrative files, and used in the production and dissemination of statistics.
Context               The categories at each level of the classification structure must be mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive of all objects/units in the population of interest. They are defined with reference to one or more characteristics of a particular population of units of observation. A statistical classification may have a flat, linear structure or may be hierarchically structured, such that all categories at lower levels are sub-categories of categories at the next level up.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Related terms     Classification system
Source                 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), "Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM)", Statistical Classification Model v1.1 (2013) (https://statswiki.unece.org/display/gsim/Generic+Statistical+Information+Model)

Statistical concepts and definitions

Definition            Definitions and descriptions of the main variables provided.
Context               This metadata element is used to define and describe the types of variables provided (raw figures, annual growth rates, index, flow or stock data, etc.) referring to internationally accepted statistical standards, guidelines, or good practices on which the concepts and definitions that are used for compiling the statistics are based. Discrepancies should be documented.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         STAT_CONC_DEF
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange, SDMX

Definition            Technical standard and content-oriented guidelines for the exchange and sharing of statistical information between organisations.
Context               SDMX is an ISO standard designed to describe statistical data and metadata, normalise their exchange, and improve their efficient sharing across organisations. The SDMX initiative is sponsored by seven international organisations (Bank of International Settlements (BIS), European Central Bank (ECB), Eurostat, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) and World Bank) to facilitate the exchange of statistical data and metadata using information technologies. This standard provides an integrated approach to facilitating statistical data and metadata exchange, enabling interoperable implementations within and between systems concerned with the exchange, reporting and dissemination of statistical data and their related meta-information. It is not just a format for data exchange: it includes a set of technical standards and content-oriented guidelines, and is supported by an IT architecture and tools to be used for the efficient exchange and sharing of statistical data and metadata. Taken together, those elements may be used to support improved business processes for any statistical organisation.
Concept ID         SDMX
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Statistical indicator

Definition            Data element that represents statistical data for a set of characteristics, one of which allows for meaningful comparisons of the data.
Context               An aggregation such as the number of accidents, total income or female members of parliament, are not in themselves indicators for comparison across countries, as they are not comparable between populations. However, if a transformation is applied to make the data comparable, e.g. number of accidents per thousand of population, average income, or female members of parliament as a percentage of the total, the result meets the criteria for an indicator.
Indicators can be used to reveal relative positions and/or show positive or negative change.
In an SDMX data modelling exercise, the modeller may typically decompose existing statistical indicators (say, from an existing exchange framework) into standard, normalised concepts such as Unit of Measure and other characteristics. An example is to take an indicator of Average weekly wage rate, and decompose it into the following concepts including Measure and its ancillary concepts:

  • Measure: Wage rate;
  • Unit of Measure: Currency per person;
  • Aggregation operation: Mean;
  • Indicator period: Weekly.

The terms "Measure" and "Statistical indicator" have often been used interchangeably, therefore the existing uses of the terms may differ from the definitions described here.
Concept ID         INDICATOR
Related Terms   Measure
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Statistical population

Definition            Total membership or population or "universe" of a defined class of people, objects or events.
Context               There are two types of population: target population and survey population. A "target population" is the population outlined in the survey objects about which information is to be sought and a "survey population" is the population from which information is obtained in a survey. The target population is also known as the scope of the survey and the survey population as the coverage of the survey. For administrative Data Sources, the corresponding populations are the "target population", as defined by the relevant legislation and regulations, and the actual "client population".
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         STAT_POP
Recommended representation   String
Source                 United Nations Glossary of Classification Terms; prepared by the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/coded_files/UN_glossary_of_classification_terms.pdf)

Statistical subject-matter domain

Definition            Statistical activity that has common characteristics with respect to concepts and methodologies for data collection, manipulation and transformation.
Context               Within SDMX, the list of statistical subject-matter domains (aligned to the Classification of International Statistical Activities maintained by the Conference of European Statisticians of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, UNECE) is a standard reference list against which the categorisation schemes of various participants in exchange arrangements can be mapped to facilitate data and metadata exchange. This allows the identification of subject-matter domain groups involved in the development of guidelines and recommendations relevant to one or more statistical domains. Each of these groups could define domain-specific Data Structure Definitions, Concepts, etc.
Related terms     Content-Oriented Guidelines, COG
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       List of subject-matter domains

Statistical unit

Definition            Entity for which information is sought and for which statistics are ultimately compiled.
Context               The statistical unit is the object of a statistical survey and the bearer of statistical characteristics.
                             Statistical units can also be categorised into basic statistical units, i.e. those for which data are collected (also known as observation units), and derived statistical units, i.e. those which are constructed during the statistical production process (also known as analytical units). A basic statistical unit is the most detailed level to which the obtained characteristics can be attached.
Statistical units for economic statistics comprise the enterprise, enterprise group, kind-of-activity unit (KAU), local unit, establishment, homogeneous unit of production, etc. In other statistical domains, statistical units can include persons, households, geographical areas, events etc.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         STAT_UNIT
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Statistical variable

Definition            Concept used as a characteristic of a unit being observed that may assume more than one of a set of values to which a numerical measure or a category from a classification can be assigned.
Context               The term "variable" is meant here in the mathematical sense, i.e. a quantity which may take any one of specified set of values. It is convenient to apply the same word to denote non-measurable characteristics, e.g. "sex" is a variable in this sense since any human individual may take one of two "values", male or female.
Concept ID         VARIABLE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Status in employment

Definition            Type of explicit or implicit contract of employment which an employed person has in their job.
Context               Status in employment is a key characteristic of the job held by an employed person. It is established based on the type of authority that the employed person is able to exercise in relation to the work performed and the type of economic risk to which the employed person is exposed.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Codelist
Related terms     Job
Source                 International Labour Organization (ILO), "Resolution concerning the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-93) ", adopted by the 15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in January 1993 (http://www.ilo.org/global/statistics-and-databases/standards-and-guidelines/resolutions-adopted-by-international-conferences-of-labour-statisticians/WCMS_087562/lang--en/index.htm)

Status of worker

Definition            Nature of the relationship between a worker and the economic unit in which or for which the work is performed.
Context               Status of worker is a key characteristic of the job or work activity performed by a person in an economic unit. It is established based on the type of authority that the worker is able to exercise in relation to the work performed and the type of economic risk to which the worker is exposed. The classification of status of worker applies to all forms of work including own-use production work, employment, volunteer work, unpaid trainee work and other forms of work.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         WORKER_STATUS
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_WORKER_STATUS
Related terms     Job
Status in employment
Source                 International Labour Organization (ILO), Revised draft resolution concerning statistics on work relationships (http://www.ilo.org/global/statistics-and-databases/meetings-and-events/international-conference-of-labour-statisticians/20/preparatory-meetings/WCMS_619086/lang--en/index.htm)

Structural metadata

Definition            Metadata that identify and describe data and reference metadata.
Context               Structural metadata are needed to identify, use, and process data matrixes and data cubes, e.g. names of columns or Dimensions of statistical cubes. Structural metadata must be associated with the statistical data and reference metadata, otherwise it becomes impossible to identify, retrieve and navigate the data or reference metadata.
In SDMX structural metadata are not limited to describing the structure of data and reference metadata. The structural metadata in SDMX include many of the other constructs to be found in the SDMX Information Model including data discovery, data and metadata Constraints (used for both data validation and data discovery), data and structure mapping, data and metadata reporting, statistical processes.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         STRUCT_META
Related terms     Cross-domain concept, CDC
                             Reference metadata          
Structural validation
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Structural validation

Definition            Process to determine the validity of data and reference metadata using structural metadata.
Context               In part the validation can be performed by processes that check the syntax of the data for conformance with the standard, e.g. a process for validating an XML instance (e.g. an SDMX Data Set) against the XML schema that defines the allowable structure and content of the instance.
In SDMX the structural metadata contain additional metadata that can be used for validation but which cannot be expressed in an XML schema. Examples of these additional metadata include Constraints and Data Providers. The Constraint is used to specify the codes that are contained in a Codelist and which are valid for the type (sub set) of data that are to be expressed in Data Set in given context. The Data Provider specifies which type of data is expected or allowed to be reported or disseminated by a specific individual or organisation.
Related terms     Reference metadata
Structural metadata
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Structure Set

Definition            Maintainable collection of Structure Maps that link Components together in a source/target relationship where there is a semantic equivalence between the source and the target Components.
Context               The Structure Set can contain maps between two Item Schemes of the same type: Codelist, Concept Scheme, Organisation Unit Scheme, Data Provider Scheme, Data Consumer Scheme. The Structure Set can also contain a map between two Data Structures i.e. map of the Dimensions and Attributes and corresponding code values where these are also mapped.
                             A typical use of Structure Sets is to provide mappings between an SDMX data structure used in an internal system with an SDMX structure of an external dataset when imported to or exported from the internal system.
Concept ID         STRUCT_SET
Related Terms   Map
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)


Definition            Indication that a person or application is to be notified when a predefined event occurs in an SDMX registry.
Context               The SDMX Global Registry has a facility that enables a user to subscribe to events in the registry such as a change to a Codelist, a deletion of a Codelist, or the addition of a new Codelist.
                             When such an event takes place the registry will send an SDMX Notification message to the email or URL address in the Subscription.
Concept ID         SUBSCRIPT
Related terms     Notification
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Technical information

Definition            Technical details related to the data.
Context               This metadata element can be used to describe IT aspects about the data, e.g. the storage system used, or technical systems related to the exchange.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TECH_INFO
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Recommended uses and limitations
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"

Time coverage

Definition            Period of time for which data are provided.
Context               This metadata element describes the time period(s) covered by the data set. The time period covered can be indicated as a time interval, e.g. "1985 to 2006" for annual time series data, or as several intervals or values of time.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         COVERAGE_TIME
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_COVERAGE_TIME
Related terms     Coverage
Geographical coverage
Population coverage
                             Sector coverage
Time coverage
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Time format

Definition            Technical format for the representation of time.
Context               The technical time format and its related Codelist are part of the technical standards for SDMX-EDI and SDMX-XML.
                             In version 2.0 of SDMX there is a recommendation to use the time format attribute to gives additional information on the way time is represented in the message. Following an appraisal of its usefulness this is no longer required. However, it is still possible, if required, to include the time format attribute in SDMX-ML.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIME_FORMAT
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_TIME_FORMAT
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_TIME_FORMAT (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Time lag

Definition            Interval of time (expressed in days, weeks, etc.) from the last day of the reference period to the day of publication of results.
Context               This metadata element quantifies the interval of time between the release date of results and the date of reference for the data.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIMELAG
Recommended representation   Observational Time Period; Time Range
Related terms     Timeliness
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.1"


Definition            Length of time between data availability and the event or phenomenon they describe.
Context               Timeliness refers to the speed of data availability, whether for dissemination or for further processing, and it is measured with respect to the time lag between the end of the reference period and the release of data. Timeliness is a crucial element of data quality: adequate timeliness corresponds to a situation where policy-makers can take informed decisions in time for achieving the targeted results. In quality assessment, timeliness is often associated with punctuality, which refers to the time lag between the release date of data and the target date announced in some official release calendar.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIMELINESS
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Time lag
Timeliness - source data
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Standardising Reference Metadata Reporting in SDMX", Version 1.0 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/Standardising-Reference-Metadata-Reporting-in-SDMX-v1-0.pdf)

Timeliness - source data

Definition            Time between the end of a reference period and the actual receipt of the data by the compiling agency.
Context               Compared to the parent concept - timeliness - this concept only covers the time period between the end of the reference period and the receipt of the data by the data compiling agency. This time period is determined by factors such as delays reflecting the institutional arrangements for data transmission.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIME_SOURCE
Recommended representation   String
Related terms     Timeliness
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Time period

Definition            Timespan or point in time to which the observation actually refers.
Context               The observation corresponds to a specific point in time (e.g. a single day) or a period (e.g. a month, a fiscal year, or a calendar year). This is used as a time stamp and is of particular importance for time series data. In cases where the actual time period of the data differs from the target reference period, "time period" refers to the actual period.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIME_PERIOD
Recommended representation   Observational Time Period
Related terms     Reference period
Time period - collection
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines on Non-Calendar Year Reporting of Data" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Time period - collection

Definition            Segment(s) of the time period for which the observations have been collected (such as middle, average or end of period) for the target reference period.
Context               This is not a stand-alone concept; it is related to the concept TIME_PERIOD which it further specifies (e.g. TIME_PERIOD "Monthly" and TIME_PER_COLLECT "End of period").
                             This concept is crucial in case of time period transformations.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TIME_PER_COLLECT
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_TIME_PER_COLLECT
Related terms     Time period
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_TIME_PER_COLLECT (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Time series: See "Series"

Time transformation

Definition           Time-related operation performed on a time series, solely involving observations of that time series.
Context               Examples of such time transformations are growth rates, cumulative sums over N periods and moving averages.
                            Operations on time series not entailing a "time" component (e.g. ratios) are not to be considered as time transformations.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Recommended representation   Codelist
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines on coding time transformations in SDMX" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)


Definition            Textual label used to refer to a statistical object.
Context               "Title" may be used as a semantic name describing a statistical object.
In SDMX, a title can be referred, for example, to a time series as a "time series title", or to an Observation as an "observation title". This Concept may be used several times in a Data Structure Definition (DSD) by suffixing the ID corresponding to the attachment level, e.g. TITLE_TS (series level), or TITLE_OBS (observation level).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TITLE
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Title complement

Definition            Detailed textual label used to refer to a statistical object.
Context               "Title complement" is an additional name to "Title" describing a statistical object.
In SDMX, a title complement can be referred, for example, to a time series as a "time series title complement", or to an Observation as an "observation title complement". This concept may be used several times in a DSD by suffixing the ID corresponding to the attachment level, e.g. TITLE_COMPL_TS (series level), or TITLE_COMPL_OBS (observation level).
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         TITLE_COMPL
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 2.0", August 2018 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_2_0_October_2018.docx)

Transport mode: See "Mode of transport"

Unit: See "Statistical unit"


Unit multiplier

Definition            Exponent in base 10 used for calculating the actual value in the unit of measure.
Context               For example, UNIT_MULT=6 indicates that observations are in millions.
In some databases, it is referred to as scale, magnitude or power.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         UNIT_MULT
Recommended representation   Integer; Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_UNIT_MULT
Related terms     Preferred scale
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)
Other link(s)       Codelist CL_UNIT_MULT (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=3215)

Unit of measure

Definition            Unit in which the data values are expressed.
Context               The unit of measure is a quantity or increment by which something is counted or described, such as kg, mm, °C, °F, monetary units such as Euro or US dollar, simple number counts or index numbers. The unit of measure in connection with the unit multiplier, provides the level of detail for the value of the variable.
For data messages, the concept is usually represented by codes. For metadata messages the concept is usually represented by free text.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         UNIT_MEASURE
Recommended representation   Codelist
Codelist ID         CL_UNIT_MEASURE
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Usage status

Definition            Indication of the dependency of the presence of a data or metadata attribute when reported in a Data or Metadata Set.
Context               Allowed values are mandatory or conditional. Note that in an incremental update a set of data or metadata may omit mandatory attributes.
Concept ID         USAGE_STATUS
Recommended representation   String
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)

Validation and Transformation Language, VTL

Definition            Statistics-oriented language and information model used to express logical validation rules and transformations on data, whether described as a dimensional table or as unit-record data.
Context               This logical formalisation of validation and transformation rules can be implemented in several programming languages for execution (SAS, R, Java, SQL, etc.), but will provide a "neutral" expression of the processing taking place.
Concept ID         VTL
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Validation and Transformation Language (VTL), version 2.0 (July 2018) https://sdmx.org/?page_id=5096


Definition            Definition of the price per unit, for goods and services flows and asset stocks.
Context               Standard national accounts valuations include the basic price (what the seller receives) and the purchaser's price (what the purchaser pays). The purchaser's price is the basic price, plus taxes less subsidies on products, plus invoiced transportation and insurance services, plus distribution margin. Other valuation bases may be used in other contexts. International trade in goods considers the free on board (fob) price and cost-insurance-freight price, among others.
The Concept refers to valuation rules used for recording flows and stocks, including how consistent the practices used are with internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.
Type                    Cross-domain concept
Concept ID         VALUATION
Recommended representation   Codelist; String
Codelist ID         CL_VALUATION
Source                 SDMX, "Metadata Common Vocabulary", 2009 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/04_sdmx_cog_annex_4_mcv_2009.pdf)

Variable: See "Statistical variable"


Definition            Construct that enables a system to distinguish between one state of an object and another where the contents of the object have changed.
Context               In SDMX this construct is a part of the unique identification of the object if it is of the type "VersionableArtefact".
Concept ID         VERSION
Related terms     Versionable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)
Other link(s)       SDMX, "Guidelines on the Versioning of SDMX Artefacts" (https://sdmx.org/?page_id=4345)

Versionable Artefact

Definition            Construct that contains structures capable of providing a version to an object.
Context               The version is mandatory and other attributes (such as "to" and "from" validity dates) are optional. Versionable Artefacts inherit the capability of having names, identity and Annotations.
Concept ID         VERSIONABLE_ART
Related terms     Annotable Artefact
Identifiable Artefact
Maintainable Artefact
Nameable Artefact
Source                 SDMX, "SDMX Glossary Version 1.0", February 2016 (https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_Version_1_0_February_2016.docx)








Source: https://sdmx.org/wp-content/uploads/SDMX_Glossary_version_2_1-Final-2.docx

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