
Conflict at work

Conflict at work



Conflict at work

Conflict at work is normal and inevitable, yet many people are unskilled at managing it.  This chapter describes functional and dysfunctional conflict, and reviews the major causes of conflict in organizations.  Defense mechanisms are natural reactions to interpersonal conflict.  Both effective and ineffective techniques for managing conflict are described.  Conflict management styles include avoiding, competing, accommodating, compromising, and collaborating. 


After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1.   Diagnose functional versus dysfunctional conflict.

  • Identify the causes of conflict in organizations.
  • Identify the different forms of conflict.

4.   Understand the defense mechanisms that individuals exhibit when they engage in interpersonal conflict.
5.   Construct an action plan for dealing with difficult behavior at work.
6.   Describe effective and ineffective techniques for managing conflict.
7.   Understand five styles of conflict management, and diagnose your own preferred style.

key words


The following key terms are introduced in Chapter 12:

functional conflict
dysfunctional conflict
jurisdictional ambiguity
interorganizational conflict
intergroup conflict
interpersonal conflict
intrapersonal conflict
interrole conflict
intrarole conflict
person-role conflict
administrative orbiting
due process nonaction
character assassination
superordinate goal
distributive bargaining
integrative negotiation



I.          THINKING AHEAD:  Conflict Management Pays Off at Ford


Conflict is any situation in which incompatible goals, attitudes, emotions, or behaviors lead to disagreement or opposition between two or more parties.  Most organizational members will admit that conflict is inevitable, and that not all conflict is negative.  Studies have confirmed that individuals typically avoid conflict.  Other studies have revealed that even when the "devil's advocate" provides creative, innovative ideas, they are the first individual to deselect from groups.

A.        Importance of Conflict Management Skills for the Manager

Managers need the skills to handle conflict in work situations. Modest estimates report that managers spend about 21% of their time dealing with conflict.
Stimulating conflict has advantages which include better decisions and more innovative thinking. 

                                          B.        Functional versus Dysfunctional Conflict

Functional conflict is healthy, constructive disagreement between two or more individuals. By contrast, dysfunctional conflict is a destructive disagreement.  Many of the high profile conflict situations are based on dysfunctional conflict.


Conflict causes are categorized into structural factors and personal factors.

            A.        Structural Factors

Structural factors include specialization, interdependence, common resources, goal differences, authority relationships, status inconsistencies, and jurisdictional ambiguities.  Jurisdictional ambiguities may increase with team and groupwork, since conflict arises from the confusion over group responsibility.

            B.        Personal Factors

Personal factors include skills and abilities, personalities, perceptions, values and ethics, emotions, and communication barriers and cultural differences. Communication barriers can be physical as well as emotional. 


Hofstede's cultural differences study is useful analyzing conflict approaches globally.  Cultures high in individualism, like the United States, would have a natural conflict tendency with countries that are more collectivism-oriented.  Even within countries, cultures have distinct differences.  Research has shown that ethnic groups in the United States are more willing to cooperate than compete, which would resemble collectivist traditions.


Organizations can have several forms of conflict, such as interorganizational, intergroup, interpersonal, and intrapersonal conflict. 

            A.        Interorganizational Conflict


Interorganizational conflict occurs between two or more organizations.  The most straightforward example of this form of conflict might be a corporate takeover attempt.  Consultants assisting with downsizing efforts are aware of this type of conflict.

            B.        Intergroup Conflict

            Intergroup conflict occurs between groups or teams.

            C.        Interpersonal Conflict

Interpersonal conflict occurs between two or more individuals.  The conflict varies with the power relationships among individuals.

            D.        Intrapersonal Conflict

Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual.  Interrole conflict occurs when a person experiences conflict among the multiple roles in his or her life.  Intrarole conflict is conflict within a single role.  Person-role conflict occurs when an individual in a particular role is expected to perform behaviors that clash with his or her values.


To avoid intrapersonal conflict (i.e., conflict within an individual), individuals should learn as much as they can about the values of the organization and they should utilize role analysis.


To manage interpersonal conflict, it is helpful to understand power networks in organizations, defense mechanisms exhibited by individuals, and ways to cope with difficult people.

A.        Power Networks

Power relationships include equal versus unequal, powerful versus less powerful relationships, and conflicts felt by middle managers.

            B.        Defense Mechanisms

Over fifty percent of our responses are defensive when given criticism.  Defense mechanisms are common reactions to the frustration associated with conflict.  Managers should be prepared for these reactions and should help employees uncover their true feelings about a conflict.  Displacement means directing anger toward someone who is not the source of the conflict.  Negativism is active or passive resistance. Compensation occurs when an individual tries to make up for an inadequacy by putting increased energy into another activity.  Identification occurs when one individual patterns his or her behavior after another’s.  Rationalization is trying to justify one’s behavior by constructing bogus reasons for it.  Flight is the act of physically escaping a conflict, while withdrawal is psychologically escaping a conflict.  Conversion is a process whereby emotional conflicts become expressed in physical symptoms.  Fantasy is an escape by daydreaming.

C.        Coping with Difficult Behavior

Difficult behaviors have been classified as hostile-aggressive, complaining, clamming, superagreeable, and negativist, know-it-all, and indecisive stalling.  There are specific strategies for dealing with each type.



Conflict may be managed through either cooperative or competitive strategies.  One of the best known approaches to conflict management is the win/lose analogy.  The cooperative (win/win) strategy is the most time consuming.  The competitive approach (win/lose) often results in damage to both parties.

            A.        Ineffective Techniques

Most individuals do not deal directly with conflict in the work situation.  The nonaction approach is to do nothing, hoping that the conflict will disappear.  Often this technique simply delays the problem while it becomes insurmountable.  This is also referred to as action anxiety.  Some of the nonaction reasons are because of negative fantasies of acting on the conflict.  Secrecy, or trying to keep a conflict out of view of most people, only creates suspicion.  Administrative orbiting is delaying action on a conflict by buying time.  The due process nonaction is a procedure that is set up to address conflicts, yet it is so costly and time consuming, or even personally risky, that no one will use this avenue.  Character assassination is attempting to label or discredit one's opponent. 

            B.        Effective Techniques

Effective techniques include superordinate goals, expanding resources, changing personnel, changing structure, and confronting and negotiating.  The superordinate goal is an organizational goal that is more important to both parties in a conflict than their individual group or their group goals.  Most often, this is the appeal made to union strikers and negotiators.  Some individuals see changing personnel as an avoidance technique for dealing with the problem.  If changing personnel delays the issues it becomes an ineffective technique.  Negotiation is a joint process of finding a mutually acceptable solution to a complex conflict.  Distributive bargaining is an approach in which the goals of one party are in direct conflict with the goals of the other party.  Integrative negotiation is an approach in which the parties’ goals are not seen as mutually exclusive and in which the focus is on making it possible for both sides to achieve their objectives.


            A.        Avoiding

Avoidance may be useful for situations that are temporary or to allow hot tempers time to cool off.  If a supervisor uses this style too frequently, employees begin to bypass the individual and label them as not being able to solve problems.

            B.        Accommodating

Accommodating is the style that is most frequently used with family and friends.  Accommodating may be valuable if an individual needs to develop their reasoning or judgment strengths.  A supervisor will let the individual complete an action, rather than interrupt the learning process.  Accommodating individuals can be viewed as having little investment in an organization if they use the style excessively.

C.        Competing
Competing may be appropriate if the issue is an ethical or moral issue, and the individuals involved are not as important as the issue.

            D.        Compromising

The compromising strategy may leave individuals feeling as if they both lost.  Compromising has been referred to as half a glass for all participants.  It is a faster route than collaborating.

            E.         Collaborating

The collaborating approach holds the individuals in highest regard over the issue.  The difficulty in the collaboration approach is the time involved in using the technique.  It is referred to as the win/win style.

X.        MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: Creating a Conflict-Positive Organization

Dean Tjosvold proposes that organizations should build and create an environment for conflict positive situations.  He views this approach as adding a creative and innovative edge that is needed in organizations.  Four steps are involved in this approach:  (1) Value diversity and confront differences. (2) Seek mutual benefits, and unite behind cooperative goals.  (3) Empower employees to feel confident and skillful, and (4) Take stock to reward success and learn from mistakes.

XI.       LOOKING BACK:  The Secrets to Ford's Success in Managing Relationships with the United Auto Workers


     Conflict management skills are keys to management success.  The manager's task is to stimulate functional conflict and prevent or resolve dysfunctional conflict.
Structural causes of conflict include specialization, interdependence, common resources, goal differences, authority relationships, status inconsistencies, and jurisdictional ambiguities.
Personal factors that lead to conflict include differences in skills and abilities, personalities, perceptions, or values and ethics; emotions; communication barriers; and cultural differences.  The increasing diversity of the workforce and globalization of business have potential to increase conflict arising from these differences.
The levels of conflict include interorganizational, intergroup, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
Individuals engaged in interpersonal conflict often display aggressive, compromise, or withdrawal defense mechanisms.
In coping with difficult behavior, it is important to identify the reasons that behavior is perceived as difficult and to analyze the response to the difficult behavior.
Ineffective techniques for managing conflict include nonaction, secrecy, administrative orbiting, due process nonaction, and character assassination.
Effective techniques for managing conflict include appealing to superordinate goals, expanding resources, changing personnel, changing structure, and confronting and negotiating.
In negotiating, managers can use a variety of conflict management styles, including avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, and collaborating.
Managers should strive to create a conflict-positive organization--one that values diversity, empowers employees, and seeks win-win solutions to conflict.


REVIEW QUESTIONS:  suggested answers

1. Discuss the differences between functional and dysfunctional conflict.  Why should a manager understand conflict?

Functional conflict is a healthy, constructive disagreement that can improve relationships and produce innovation.  Dysfunctional conflict is unhealthy, diverts attention from goal achievement, and is challenged by threats and deception.  The task of the manager is to diagnose conflict as functional or dysfunctional.  Much of a manager's time is spent is dealing with conflict, among employees and their own conflict.  If conflict is not addressed openly, it can have negative, adverse reactions later in inappropriate behaviors, and misunderstood situations.

2. Identify the structural and personal factors that contribute to conflict.

Structural factors include specialization, interdependence, common resources, goal differences, authority relationships, status inconsistencies, and jurisdictional ambiguities.  Personal factors contributing to conflict are skills and abilities, personalities, perceptions, values and ethics, emotions, and communication barriers.

3. Discuss the four major forms of conflict in organizations.

Interorganizational conflict is the least damaging to the organization, and may even have a solidifying effect on the organizational members.  Intergroup conflict occurs within an organizational group, where there are differences in goals or approaches.  Interpersonal conflict is between two individuals and intrapersonal conflict occurs within one individual.  Often interpersonal and intrapersonal occur at the same time.

4. What defense mechanisms do people use in interpersonal conflict?

Common aggressive defense mechanisms are fixation, displacement, and negativism.  The three compromise mechanisms are compensation, identification and rationalization.  Withdrawal mechanisms include flight or withdrawal, conversion or fantasy.

5. Characterize the different types of difficult behavior that may cause conflict at work.

Hostile-aggressive individuals use guilt to attack others in conflict situations.  The may also be passive-aggressive.  Complainers are verbal, without taking action to remedy their situations.  They rarely focus on ways to improve the situation.  Their language is sprinkled with expressions like, "It won't work, we tried it once.”  Clams are nonresponsive, and may appear sullen.  They are difficult to get to voice their discontent.  Superagreeables are often charming, yet are insincere or inactive after the agreement has been made.  Negativists are similar to complainers, except they thwart all ideas with negative comments. Know-it-alls have a story or reason for every occasion.  Indecisive stallers cannot make up their mind and keep the problem from coming to a conclusion.

6. What are the most effective techniques for managing conflict at work?  What are some ineffective techniques?

Superordinate goals encourage groups to work through conflicts and resolve issues while expanding resources allows problem solvers to devote more energy to solving the problem.  By changing the personnel or structure, the problem receives a fresh, open look.  Nonaction is an ineffective technique that rarely is successful.  Most problems do not melt away.  Secrecy eventually mushrooms, like Watergate, and the Exxon spill.  Administrative orbiting buys time, but leads to frustration among those that are truly interested in resolution of the problem.  Occasionally due process results in nonaction.  The lengthy process established to "hear" a problem often defeats the individuals that are most concerned.

7. Identify and discuss five styles of conflict management.

Avoiding is low on assertiveness and cooperativeness.  The accommodating style shows concern for other’s goals but not your own.  Competing is assertive and uncooperative.  Compromising requires that both sides give up something to resolve the issue.  The collaborating style is assertive and cooperative and focuses on achieving a “win-win” resolution to the conflict.



1. What causes you the most conflict at work or school?

Answers are surprising similar, and are often time management problems.  Students should be encouraged to accept their responsibility in managing these conflicts. 

2. Identify the different interrole, intrarole, and person-role conflicts that you experience.

Some of the items mentioned might be family, parent, friend, athlete, employee, and student.  Person-role conflict is apparent with students that work and attend school full-time.  Which role should take precedence?

3. What methods have you found most personally helpful in dealing with difficult people at school or work?  At home?  In social situations?

Students will begin to discover their conflict resolution style through this answer.  Be sure and point out that not all styles are appropriate for all situations.  Most individuals want to develop more than one conflict resolution approach.

4. Are you comfortable with your preferred conflict management style?  Would you consider modifying it?

Those individuals that avoid or accommodate have the most to gain by testing other approaches.

5. Think of a person with whom you have had a recent conflict.  Write a letter to this person, attempting to resolve the conflict.  Use the concepts from the chapter to accomplish your objective.  Be sure to address whether the conflict is functional or dysfunctional, what styles each party has used, effective strategies for resolving the conflict, and ineffective strategies that should be avoided.

Students should be encouraged to use specific examples from the conflict to support their description of the conflict and their recommendations for dealing with it more effectively.



1. What kind of ethical conflicts have you experienced at school or work?  At home?

Students may be aware of the avoidance approach when they have heard of copied tests, copied computer disks, or plagiarized papers.  They may also have been part of accommodation.  Students should be able to state what levels of conflict their examples represent. 

2. Is it ethical to avoid a conflict?

Definitely.  If there is a personal relationship that is more valuable than the issue, or the issue is temporary, it is reasonable to avoid the conflict.  We do this everyday, intuitively.

3. How can you stimulate conflict in an ethical manner?

By remembering and being consistent between espoused values versus enacted values.  The outcome of the conflict is important to keep in mind, not winning the conflict.  Functional conflict stimulates change and innovation, and this is certainly ethical. 

4. Evaluate the following techniques in terms of their implications for ethical behavior: nonaction, secrecy, administrative orbiting, and changing personnel.

All of these strategies have the potential to be unethical.  Failure to take action can be damaging.  Secrecy may result in whistle-blowing, if the individuals become frustrated with the inaction.  Administrative orbiting is a form of dishonesty.  Administrative orbiting can happen with sexual harassment charges when the informed individual does not want to take action on the situation.  Due process nonaction has exhausted individuals' personal financial resources, so that the better financed opponent may win in a court case.  Changing personnel can be unethical if it unfairly damages an individual's career.

5. Suppose an employee comes to you with a sexual harassment complaint.  You know that your company has a policy in place, but the policy is so complicated and risky that it is hardly worth using.  What should you do?

Expedite the process if possible.  One of the most important values of expeditious processes is that it is easier to establish the facts of the situation, if it is recent.  In addition, it is less painful for all individuals involved.

6. In what situations is the competing style of conflict management appropriate?  What unethical behaviors might be associated with this style?  How can these behaviors be avoided?

Competing is appropriate when emergencies exist or when you know that you are right.  However, this style has the potential to encourage sabotage, deceit, and a "win at all costs" mentality.  Such behaviors can be avoided by creating a culture that rewards cooperative rather than competitive behaviors.




Following completion of the challenge, students could be put into groups in class based on their primary conflict-handling style.  In the groups have students discuss how they typically handle conflict, encourage them to use specific examples of conflict situations they have experienced.  Each group can share with the class a summary of its typical approach to handling conflict.  Discuss the similarities and differences between groups as you cover class material on the conflict-handling styles.



12.1  Conflicts over Unethical Behavior


Instructor's Notes:

This exercise provides a list of behaviors that employees might engage in when working for a company.  Students are requested to answer each of the 18 questions in terms of the best indicator of the frequency with which they would engage in the behavior.  After this is completed, they are to re-examine the questions in light of their beliefs about whether their co-workers would engage in the behavior, and put an X next to that category.  The third time they review the questions, the should indicate with a check mark if management should monitor this category of behavior.  It is useful to ask students for the extremes in their check marks between their own and what they believe their co-workers would do.  Another way to gather issues is to ask for the categories that were checked either number 1 or number 5.  Remind students to be as honest as possible, rather than answering the way they believe they should answer.

12.2  The World Bank Game: An intergroup negotiation


            Adapted from N.H. Berkowitz and H.A. Hornstein, "World Bank: An Intergroup             Negotiation," in J.W. Pfeiffer and J.E. Jones, (eds.), The 1975 Handbook for Group       Facilitators (San Diego, Pfeiffer & Company), 58-62.

Instructor’s Notes

Goals:  To experience the conflict between advantages of cooperation and advantages of competition in a mixed-motive dilemma; to explore some dynamics of trust between groups; to practice negotiation skills.

Group size:  No more than ten participants per team.  Two teams can be formed to compete against each other, with the instructor serving as banker and the remaining students designated as observers.  (Alternatively, several pairs can be conducted simultaneously, with each team competing against one other team, and one student serving as banker for every two competing teams).

Twenty 3" x 5" cards for each team, each card with a marked side (X covering the entire side) and an unmarked side.  (Playing cards may be used as substitutes).
A copy of the World Bank Record Sheet for each team (these appear in the textbook).
A copy of the World Bank Banker's Instruction Sheet for each banker.

Physical Setting:  Teams competing against each other are located close to each other, but their meetings are private.  Their negotiators also need a private place to meet briefly several times.

1.   The banker forms pairs of teams.  (There must be an even number of teams).
2.   Participants should read the World Bank General Instructions, and the banker responds to questions.
3.   If there are two teams, the instructor serves as banker.  If there are more than two teams, additional bankers (one for each additional pair of teams) are appointed.  Bankers are briefed about their roles and given a copy of the World Bank Banker's Instruction Sheet.
4.   Teams have ten minutes to organize themselves and plan their strategies.  Before play begins, each team must select a negotiator, representative, team recorder, and treasurer.
5.   The banker signals the beginning of round one to each team.
6.   The bankers call the game to a close at an appropriate time.

1.  To increase collaboration, the design may be altered as follows:  (a) reduce the number of moves in each round to five; (b) require negotiation after each move; or (c) increase the penalty for an attack.
2.  To increase competition, the design may be altered as follows: (a) increase the number of moves in each round to ten; (b) make negotiations more difficult and costly by assessing a fee; (c) remove the penalty for an attack; or (d) multiply the payoff threefold for move four, and fivefold for the final move.
3.  To focus on the negotiation process, all negotiations may take place in a neutral location in the presence of all parties to the negotiation, e.g., both teams may observe.  The number of negotiators may also be increased to two from each team.

Limitations:  This game sometimes generates feelings of betrayal and resentment that disrupt relationships and affect subsequent classes.  These issues should be addressed directly and there should be ample opportunity for persons to talk through their feelings.

World Bank Banker's Instruction Sheet


As banker your tasks during this experiment are to synchronize the timing between your two teams and to monitor the rules set forth in the World Bank General Instructions.

1.   After each one - and a half minute move, call for a private report from each team's representative.

2.   Thirty seconds later indicate the beginning of the next move, announce a three-minute negotiation session, or signal that an attack has been declared.  (An attack immediately ends each round).

3.   Following moves three and six, direct the negotiators to a prearranged site out of view of both teams for a compulsory negotiation session.  (This session must be limited to a maximum of three minutes).

4.   At the end of a round (after the seventh move or an attack), give each team's recorder the information needed about the status of the other team's weapons to complete the records for that round and prepare for the next round.  (Note that there may be an attack after the seventh move also).

5.   Have team members complete the World Bank Questionnaire at the end of the game.


As banker, you have the following responsibility:

            1.         Collect penalties from the treasurers.
2.         Make payments directly to treasurers.
3.         Transfer funds from one treasurer to another.




A case for Constructive confrontation

Instructor's Notes:

This exercise is good to do with the entire class, rather than as a group exercise, although it is appropriate for either approach.  The answers to the exercise are as follows:

1.   Reject solution:  This approach will probably elicit a defense mechanism for a response.  This is also a win/lose strategy, with a competitive approach of you're wrong, I'm right.
2.   Reject solution:  Fred might resort to the superagreeables coping tactic.
3.   Reject solution:  This is avoidance.
4.   Amend solution:  This is the best solution of the choices.
5.   Reject solution:  This is ineffective and combines secrecy and administrative orbiting.

A case for constructive confrontation

            Adapted from Conrad Jackson, The University of Alabama, Huntsville.

There have been complaints recently about Fred among several of his co-workers for wasting their time by dropping by their office and engaging them in "conversations" (actually Fred does most of the talking) about various things (usually not work-related).  It is difficult to interrupt one of his stories, and he usually takes vaguely polite hints that "the conversation is over" as an expression of interest in what he is saying.  ("Well, Fred, that's great.  Let me know how that new bowling ball works out."----"Yeah, I've already bowled a couple of games with it.  I went Sunday afternoon.  You should see all the professional people who go bowling on Sundays.  I met this one guy ....etc., etc.").  Even you endure these interruptions from time to time.  Fred's work is generally good in quality, and adequate in quantity.  He puts in a full work day, but doesn't work as many hours per week as some of the others in the department.

Discuss the pros and cons of confronting Fred in each of the following ways:

     For each rejected item, substantiate your opinion by referencing Chapter 13 of your text. 
Modify, or write an approach that would be optimal, and list as many of the issues that you can discover from the chapter.

1.   Send Fred a memo stating that "some people have complained about him 'visiting' too much."  Admonish him to be careful to not waste his own time or anyone else's.

2.   Call Fred into your office.  Tell him that it has come to your attention that he's been "chatting" with other people in the office a good bit.  Tell him that everyone looks pretty busy right now.  Ask him if he's sure he is not taking up too much of their time.

3.   Drop by Fred's office while walking around.  Ask him how things are going.  Make a big deal about "I had better get out of here and let you get back to work.  I know all of you guys have a lot of work to do."

4.   The next time Fred interrupts you with one of his stories, cut him off by saying "Fred, I hate to interrupt your story, but I'm really busy right now.  I run into this problem with you every now and then.  I'm reluctant to cut you off, but sometimes I need to let you know that I am in the middle of something important."

5.   Send around a memo saying, "It has come to my attention that some of the people in this department are beginning to spend too much time "chatting" with each other during work time.  We are all very busy these days, so let me ask you all to take special care to not interrupt one another unnecessarily."

MBTI exercise

Exercise Learning Objectives:

a.  Ask students to explore the idea that the majority of conflicts are based on miscommunication.
b.  Students should understand that conflict resolution will be different for different people.

Exercise Overview:

1.  Students should have taken the MBTI or the short version in Chapter 3.

2.  Students will be formed into "S" and "N" dyads where you have one "S" and one "N" student in each dyad.  In those cases where the class has more of one type than another, use the next letter "T" or "F" to form the dyads.  In this case, put one "ST" with an "SF" or one "NT" with an "NF".

3.  The students in these dyads will individually write a set of instructions on a common issue and then compare with their partner.

4.  The instructor should review "S/N" differences in Myers-Briggs paying particular attention to the differences to the manner in which each type explains issues.

Exercise Description:

a.  Form "S" and "N" dyads as described in the exercise overview.  Form as many groups as you need so that everyone is in a group. If after forming the dyads you have one "extra" student, you may either have the student help you observe and report this group activity or form one team.

b.  Each student should write a set of instructions on "how to register for fall classes."  The instructor should read the following instruction:  "Each of you is to write a set of instructions for an incoming freshman on how to register for fall classes."  DO NOT amplify these instructions and do not allow students to use any reference material--this is done from memory.  DO NOT give any clarification.  If the instructor gives clarifying information, the major benefit of this exercise will be lost--i.e., how we "hear" instructions. We suggest you allow 10 to 15 minutes for this.

c.  Ask students to read their instructions to their partner. Ask their partners to listen attentively.  Ask each student to read his or her instructions before you allow them to discuss the differences.

d.  After reading the instructions to each other, ask the students to discuss these questions:

1.  What, if any, differences are apparent in the two sets of instructions?

2.  As the receiver of the other's instructions, what were the things that helped you?  What were the things that confused you?  What other information would you need in order to register?

3.  What recommendations would you give the writer to improve his or her communications?

e.  Ask two students to be the recorders--one for large newsprint and one on regular notebook paper.

f.  Depending on time, ask each person in the class to share their recommendations and have one recorder list them on large flip chart paper and the other recorder list them on notebook paper.

What the instructor should expect:

a.  "Ss" will most likely give very detailed step-by-step instructions.  These instructions will most likely be numbered and would generally be representative of the actual registration sequence.

b.  "Ns" will most likely give less detailed instructions and may even skip several steps in the process.  Their instructions would most likely be representative of the process used but without most of the actual steps. 

Instructor's Summary:

One of the major issues involved in conflict is the actual discussion of the facts and circumstances surrounding the situation in conflict.  We've noticed in this exercise that we all gather and relate information differently. 

Misinformation or poor communication is the single largest reason for conflict.  If we can take the time to try to understand the "facts" as seen by the other person, we should be able to resolve most of our conflicts and at the same time learn from each other.

Properly managed conflict is healthy because the creative tension that happens forces us to grow and to learn. Conflict is in fact a normal part of life.  Successfully managing conflict means that you choose the right conflict management style appropriate to the situation.  Most of us use only one or two preferred conflict management styles and unfortunately that style only works in certain cases.

Know how you collect and receive information and remember that other people may collect and receive information differently.  Clarify the facts, stay issue-focused, maintain an open mind and you will learn, grow, and have more fulfilling relationships.

extra experiential exercises


The following exercises to supplement the material in the textbook can be obtained from:

Marcic, Dorothy & Seltzer, Joe.  Organizational Behavior:  Experiences and Cases, 5th Ed.  South Western College Publishing Company, 1998.

Border Dispute.  p. 193-194.  Time:  50 minutes minimum.
Purpose:  To develop both competitive and collaborative skills.

Management of Differences.  p. 179-187.  Time:  45 minutes.
Purpose:  To determine which style of conflict resolution students use.

Fandt, Patricia M.  Management Skills:  Practice and Experience.  West Publishing Company, 1994.

In-Basket Exercise 4:  Defending Decisions When Challenged.  p. 393.

In-Basket Exercise 5:  Resolving Conflicts.  p. 451.


Additional role plays relevant to the material in this chapter are located in Appendix A of this instructor's manual.


Web site to visit: http://www.swcollege.com

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Conflict at work


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